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Oldest article: ''ships in the night ''
by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Starting 11, Formation! by Mark 13/10/2014 20:26Mon Oct 13 20:26:26 2014view thread
I might be mad but stick with me ..
Views: 1989
Right here goes.. and don't all shout at once,
I know there wont be many of us at Gloucester tonight , but those of us that do travel should get behind the players on the pitch.
We may not agree with the tactics and team selection but when the players cross the white line we should give them all the support we can .
After all we have stuck by the team through thick and thin , we are the fans out of the 900+ that went to griffin park last season that will return week in week out.
The players deserve our support through the good times and the bad
Please don't hate me too much for this ..
I know there's issues but I just think we should get behind the 11 yellow shirts on the pitch ..
Awaiting your thumbs down with excitement..maybe I will get the record number for this post :)
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Views: 1816
For what it's worth - I agree with Andrew.
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"Please don't hate me"??
Views: 1986
It's only the atmospheric rowdy 'Choir' which is hated Andrew67!
Staines 'Boon' Town Football Club.
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Couldn't agree more!
Views: 1869
I am missing this but here is my support! Tweeters RT Please!
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Re: Couldn't agree more!
Views: 2060
Chris and myself will be there, travelling later on the players coach lets hope the small band of away supporters will be treated to a great result.
This game is almost a reversal of last years 3rd qualifying round ,where we needed to beat Poole Town for the right to play Brentford. This year we need to spoil Gloucesters dream of playing their near nneighbours Forest Green Rovers. Fingers crossed for a win. Come on you Swans.
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2 people
Previous thread: Today's game by Wakes11/10/2014 18:28Sat Oct 11 18:28:39 2014view thread