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Is it time for Gayle to go?
Views: 3224
Today's performance was again shocking, the inability of players to pass the ball with any kind of accuracy is alarming. Simple ball control being almost non existent. The team is also lacking motivation. There is no leadership whatsoever from Worsfold, who in my opinion is our best player, but a poor captain.
Bizarrely Gayle subs Theophanous today allowing Buchanan to remain on the field, Buchanan has been completely ineffective while at Staines.
Why was Kiernan not playing today? Felix was the only player to 'turn' up today, maybe all the others were on twitter til 3 this morning!
Maidenhead easily deserved their win today.
Anyone out there really think we can beat Ebbsfleet next week?
Anyone out there really think we can avoid RELEGATION with the current group of players?
Watch this space.
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Re: Is it time for Gayle to go?
Views: 3103
Last 10 games in all competitions :
Played 10
Won 1
Drawn 1
Lost 8
7 straight league defeats
scored 17
conceded 24
Been ahead in 5 of these games and gone on to lose
Not the sort of stats that make good reading
Sadly the league table doesn't lie , we can no longer hide behind excuse after excuse..
We are not good enough in any part of the pitch at the moment
The midfield are not looking after the ball well enough hence why the defence are under so much pressure
The front 2 are not getting any service what so ever
The buck surely must stop at the managers feet.
I was led to believe that Brendan Kiernan has been released by the club. I have yet too see any conformation from the club.
If true I would be amazed seeing as over the last couple of games he has looked decent.
I think we can all agree that unless something changes and changes very damn quick we could fall out of this league with a whimper
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Re: Is it time for Gayle to go?
Views: 3118
Confirmation on Twitter, get surrey
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Is it time for Gayle to go?
Views: 2911
Firstly let's give Marcus his due. He is an experienced footballer with a few years coaching under his belt. He knows more about the game than all of us on the forum. But at the moment that is where it ends as the performances for the last few months have been dire. On Get Surrey Marcus said he was encouraged by yesterday. Hard fact is we were beaten by a Maidenhead side that weren't very good. I will not criticise individual players as I wouldn't know where to start; only bright spot yesterday was Erivaldo who worked his socks off. There seems to be a lack of fire in the belly from the committee through the coaching staff and down through the players. Maybe the club is happy with the prospect of Ryman football next year? As a paying supporter I am not and have more ambition than that. People will say it is down to the budget and I understand that, but maybe the budget should be increased either by the current board or outside investors. It depends what ambitions the club have? Lastly it was funny to see an insider from the Marcus camp come over and stand with us towards the end of the 2nd half yesterday and he spent his time watching everyone on the terraces who dare criticise. Laughable.
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Is it time for Gayle to go?
Views: 2979
"watching everyone on the terraces who dare criticise"
Big brother preparing banning orders for the remaining loyal stalwarts perhaps?
Staines 'Boon' Town Football Club.
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Views: 2967
I understand everyone's distress at the current situation, and I have to agree that there wasn't much to cheer about yesterday.
However - it is unrealistic to expect a massive investment to bring in new players on higher salaries.
It's a shame, but the age old problem of competing with Chelsea, Fulham, QPR, Reading, and Brentford for the attention of local people continues to mean that attendances and local interest don't mirror the ambitions of those of us who do attend Staines games on a regular basis.
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Views: 2908
A number of regular fans have stopped coming simply because the football is low quality. When the football improves people may return. The budget needs to be raised one way or another or the club will continue to spiral downwards!
The Ryman League?... No thanks!
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Views: 2769
Everyone knows how well the club has done under the budget and all credit to Matthew for maintaining this. The point I was trying to make was ambition. To succeed further would need extra investment whether from the current board or outside investors. If the board has ambition to stay in this league it will need funding. At the moment we are simply not good enough at this level, the squad is thin - our bench is schoolboys. We have to move players out before bringing new faces in and the managers decisions recently have raised a few eyebrows.
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Re: Budget
Views: 3165
Troy, being on the board or committee you must have inside knowledge, what's the crack? Much going on?
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Marcus Gayle
Views: 2908
The simple fact is he is not doing his job!
And what happens when you don't do your job successfully?
Budget this budget how can we comment on this when quite frankly it is none of our business the financial side is between the Manager and the Chairman who seems to be pumping his hard earned money in to people who simply are not performing, the simple fact is the Manager is not performing and neither is the team.
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Stand up and be counted ....
Views: 2782
The number of time I have come on here and started to post or reply to a post and then wiped it clear and gone to the fridge for a beer is beyond the number of fingers on each hand. The main reason is that I don't know who I am responding to or addressing so if we are to be putting comments that could be extremely valid we should 'stand up and be counted'....
My name is Keith! I do the club website and email marketing, am a great believer in the 50/50 a bugle playing trainee and one of the choir founder members and my carer is Trevor ... also I am passionate about staying in the Conf South!
Dave, Mark, Dan, Andrew, Pat etc etc we know who you are!
Troy, Anonymous, etc etc ... 'stand up and be counted'
'Always look on the bright side of life'
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Stand up and be counted
Views: 2789
Well done Keith, and we do stand up' shame can't be said on the pitch at the moment.
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Re: Stand up and be counted
Views: 2813
Mine names Mark, I am the fat one, when I say fat I mean the really fat one. Not the skinny fat one that's bacon, just the fat fat one.
I can often be found at the tea bar during half time getting a burger.
I attend most if not all home games but lost enthusiasm to waste money travelling away unless it's Chelmsford because they do the man vs food burger.
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Re: Stand up and be counted
Views: 2884
My names Andrew and I like chips ..
I can be found at home games in the shed in between the 2 dug outs, normally shaking my head in disbelief
At away games I like to eat chips , with ketchup. and I also like the little wooden fork things you eat your chips with .
Don't forget guys
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stand up and be counted
Views: 2839
My names Steve, i'm a little overweight and my face is always covered up by a camera.
my ambition is to give Keith the best possible pictures for STFC's great website.
I love the cheese hotdogs at Chelmsford. I don't like grounds within athletics arenas.
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Re: stand up and be counted
Views: 2890
My name is pat a lot of people hate me but to be honest I hate them too .. I swear a lot and I hope Gayle gets sacked and Staines stay up this season . I also love chips ! Hint hint Sally . Other then that I'm a great guy !
It's Just Banter ... Calm Down
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Re: stand up and be counted
Views: 3049
My name is Laurence, I ran the clubs first ever officiall website and called myself Wakes da webmaster. The site ran for 8 seasons and on top of that I co ran the old club shop and supporters club with Rob Gunning and was also a founder member of the Staines Massive. I made the original Staines massive flag which eventually got burnt by Woking fans and paraded it on the pitch dressed as Ali G with John Blair and Roy Roberts for SkySports news before our FA Cup game with Stockport. When we drew at Edgeley Park our Ali G costumes made the national media and Alan Boon personally told us it was us that put the club on the map because of this. When we played Peterborough, the whole team dressed up as Ali G and Borat and was on front page of Mirror Saturday pull out with the Staines Massive flag. I then handed the website over to Keith and became club photographer and gave up web design and started recording music, I made a couple of crap songs for the club which they still don't play but am more appreciated by Wealdstone as I recorded 'No ground, No fans' ft the Wealdstone Raider which Went viral on you tube. I have no plans to help the club out again as I have given them the world and got v little in return.
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'wakes'you and your like are the club!!!
Views: 2790
Just felt I needed to let you know that among our group known affectionately as the 'Massive' you do indeed have the respect of all of us. Who can forget the trip to Stockport, with you getting us all together for the group photo at one of the service stations. Friendships were forged that day, which will never be broken. I could recount many times ie.the night you won your award at the club, over at Hayes when you and Chelsea Mark led the singing of 'blue square south, your 'aving a laugh' you are a huge part of this clubs history. Don't forget we will all still be here supporting our club in the future, and I feel sure you will be to.
I'ts great to know you and all of our fabulous gang. Gordon
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Re: 'wakes'you and your like are the club!!!
Views: 2801
Thanks for the kind words Gordon. It seems those days are long gone and the club is a lot worse off for it. People used to mock the Massive and say it was old hat etc etc but that period was the most successful in the clubs history and I was proud to be at the forefront of that. The club let it die by dropping the web site name, and thus alienating the fans and preventing prospective new fans from getting interested. All credit to Keith though as the website is 100% more professional than my effort and his Twitter keeps everyone in touch but it just seems the club has made mistakes in regards to the fans.
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Re: stand up and be counted
Views: 2854
My name is Dan,I'm not the sort that will miss games due to recent results or question my allegiance, Win or lose I will be there. I just wish the club would take the fans and the current situation a bit more seriously. No one talks to the fans, The owner , the directors , the manager , the players! Communication is at an all time low. Even Steve Cordery called a meeting to discuss the situation in his last season! I actually think some of the players talking to fans will give them more confidence. The likes of Stephane,Louis T etc... are all confidence players!
The only way we can get out of this is by working together: Fans & Club & Players. It's about time the club faced facts.
Staines Towns Most Wanted
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Previous thread: My left foot! by Follow the Swans26/10/2014 21:23Sun Oct 26 21:23:50 2014view thread