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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Any news ? by Andrew676/11/2014 17:35Thu Nov 6 17:35:18 2014view thread
Views: 2272
You may have seen the ad in last week's programme, but if not, Radio Wey and the Middlesex FA have set up Walking Football sessions on Monday evenings at 7.30pm at the Staines & Laleham Sports Club in Worple Road.
We had 11 turn up for the first session between the ages of 23 and 63! One guy hadn't played for 22 years, and really enjoyed the evening as we all did. It's also a cheap evening out at just £3 too!
No contact, no running and kick ins instead of throw ins are the only differences from the normal game.
Why not dust off those old trainers and come on down this Monday for some footie and a drink in the bar after? Hopefully see you there.
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Previous thread: Any news ? by Andrew674/11/2014 12:34Tue Nov 4 12:34:18 2014view thread