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Reaction to the Hemel defeat ...
Views: 3006
Clive Youlton reports ...
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Re: Reaction to the Hemel defeat ...
Views: 2799
Are these comments really from Marcus or has he been misquoted? After all they sound so negative.I always thought he was a battler in his playing days and hoped this spirit would still be there as a manager.Surely he needs to be rallying the guys ready for the second half of the season and show his commitment to the club by stating that he has no intention of walking away and if we do go down that he will be working his socks off next year to regain our place at this level.
To me our position shows that the ethos of bringing the majority of players through from the Academy does not work at this level -you need more experienced mature guys who have the physical attributes not to be pushed around.Sadly in the games I have seen its been boys against men-all the other clubs know our weakness's and this season are exploiting them..It may not be pretty or text book football but at this level you have to produce the results. I am the first to admit that we may not have the money to bring in such players and if that is the case I wish the club would tell us so that we fully understand the situation.
Why not follow the example of Sutton Utd who show the annual accounts on the club website-at least then supporters have a greater understanding of the financial restraints the manager is working under.
Best wishes to all
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Re: Reaction to the Hemel defeat ...
Views: 2757
Negative is an understatement an absolute heads gone is nearer the mark.
He is blaming the players he has signed and picks every week...and is moaning that he is wasting his own time. Luckily for Marcus he gets paid to waste his time and coach the team, I'm sure that statement hurt all the paying fans who probably think they are wasting their own time.
Staines Towns Most Wanted
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Reailty check
Views: 2785
Sometimes it's worth remembering that unless a club has an oligarch willing to run that club as a vanity project then reality must be faced.
For example - Angie worked tirelessly to engage with the local community, and with potential sponsors, but there is the ever present issue that many local (to Staines) people feel more of an affiliation to Chelsea, Fulham, Brentford, QPR, Reading and so on.
Therefore, with attendances at the current level, and sponsorship needing to be fought for at every step, we do need to be realistic about what can be achieved.
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Re: Reailty check
Views: 2775
So Mr clubman, what does that have to do with Marcus basically "giving up" ?
Staines Towns Most Wanted
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Reality Check
Views: 2748
Sorry I don't buy into this myth that our attendances are low because we face competition from Brentford, QPR etc. etc.
When Woking were in our league they regularly got +800, Wealdstone get +700 now and they are both as near to these pro clubs as we are.
Problem is the club has no connection with the community; no relationship with the council which could help promote the club locally; no connection barely with STFC juniors (there are several hundred kids playing) and no connection with the local schools like Magna Carta or Matthew Arnold (+2000 kids) - need I go on?
Oh yes and no connection with the fans!
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Re: Reality Check
Views: 2705
I echo Dans comments, absolute heads gone. Biggest mistake of all was letting Angie go and then thinking youth/boys can compete with men 2nd.
Since Dave wheeler left, oh and jordaan, lets chuck in what was our best striker out and out theophanous. Could we add Ferrell to that, I know he was slow but he's better than what we have now. Feel ever so sorry for max and jack. Each game those two try so hard, max working his absolute heart out and no one is on his level in the squad apart from our keeper.
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Re: Reality Check
Views: 2669
Yea agree , especially jack who must be annoyed and feel helpless with a defence leakier than a drain.
Staines Towns Most Wanted
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Reality check
Views: 2590
And let's not forget that before the season started Swans announced a forward squad of Theophanous, Willock, Beadle and Brown, with Bassett as back up. Willock was really fourth choice as he was taking up coaching. Then, a couple of weeks into the season, Brown and Beadle were ditched ( money or ability - we don't know) so suddenly Swans only really had Louis up front. Only one forward equals not enough goals equals big trouble. Swans have played catch up ever since. Good forwards can win you games even if the defence is not top notch. No forwards and you've had it.
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Re: Reality check
Views: 2681
Beadle and Brown joined the long list of casualties of players released since the end of last year. The list is long enough to field a full 11 of players that are good enough at this level.
Staines Towns Most Wanted
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