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what a joke

By swanvesta (legacy user)28/12/2014 21:53Sun Dec 28 21:53:36 2014

Views: 2728

The club website after this afternoons total joke of a performance, says "EVERYONE MUST STAND UP AND BE COUNTED", well what a cheek if you ask me. We fork out hard earned money week in week out to watch the same old rubbish, there is only one way we are heading and that's back to the Ryman without a fight. There is only two options left and they are for Gayle to resign, or the board to show some balls and replace him ASAP. But I fear nothing will happen. DISGRACEFOOLS???

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Re: what a joke

By Follow the Swans (legacy user)29/12/2014 21:36Mon Dec 29 21:36:19 2014In response to what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2238

The web content was my words! Simply wanted to try and consolidate what we have all been doing for the last few years ... sticking together. After todays announcement need it more than ever. :-)


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Re: what a joke

By Jim (legacy user)28/12/2014 22:10Sun Dec 28 22:10:39 2014In response to what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2633

The club is crashing out of this league embarrassingly.

Some of the results followed by the comments in the local papers from management recently have been so bad I can't believe the board are continuing with the current regime, or is it the board that need changing, probably both but the club doesn't seem to have any forward planning and with no assets, who would want to take it over?? Most of the fans are disenchanted and it seems the powers that be aren't interested either.

The way it is going the club will be tumbling down the leagues. The fans are becoming disengaged. For the same old reasons, no interaction with the players, there is no club bar and there is no covered area behind the goals. Angie was a brilliant link between the club and fans but the club decided they were against that.

Someone mentioned to me the other day why would I pay £12 to watch 16/17/18 year olds and has beens lose every week. It struck home big time.

Big change is needed.

We want chips! We want chips!

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Re: what a joke

By John Blair (legacy user)28/12/2014 22:29Sun Dec 28 22:29:20 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2534

The performances this season have been desperate at times,and it is becoming increasingly frustrating watching us lose week after week,and seeing us rooted rock bottom of the league.
But the loyal supporters( of which 30 or so still travel to away games) will carry on watching us hoping that we will pull our way out of trouble.
We are the ones who spend our money week in week out home and away watching us struggle,whilst hoping that we turn it around and start to pick up results.
No club bar and no covered home end and no Angie(who resigned) has nothing to do with our performances on the pitch and imo the only people that can criticise with any authority are those who go to the games,not those who rarely travel away,and refuse to pay money at home games preferring to come in at half time when they can get in free.

Before you,Jim,jump on your soapbox i am not happy with our performances and feel that something has gone drastically wrong on the playing side. I do not want to see us relegated but unless we manage to turn things round this could become a reality. Something that has nothing to do with covered ends,club bars or anything that does not involve the playing field.

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Re: what a joke

By Jim (legacy user)28/12/2014 22:38Sun Dec 28 22:38:47 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2534

Ok John I will make sure to only listen to the supreme views of you and the other 29.

John, any ideas as to why team are performing so badly? Try not to include any snide comments this time.

We want chips! We want chips!

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Re: what a joke

By John Blair (legacy user)28/12/2014 22:54Sun Dec 28 22:54:42 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2513

OK Jim
Defensively we have been poor this season.
We can't hold onto a lead(there have many occasions this season when we have been 2 up and gone on to lose).
Confidence within the team appears shot and for a lot of the time the team lacks cohesion.
We have failed to replace Jordaan Brown at left back preferring to use Max at left back rather than his better position of left midfield.
We have suffered with injurys (i.e.Sanchez Ming,Josh Ekim and Chace O'Neill have been out for ages).
Various signings we have made do not appear to have set the world alight,and have subsequently been released.

And i said all of the above without levelling criticism at any one(or more than one) individual!!!!

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Re: what a joke

By Danswan (legacy user)29/12/2014 00:03Mon Dec 29 00:03:13 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2541

We have had 2 players who I haven't seen for two months, Ekim and O'Neill, admittedly they were injured but why do the club just not let them go and use the money wisely. I saw Ekim played Boxing Day before anyone points that out.

The club haven't even called an emergency meeting, that's the pathetic state of affairs.
Marcus continues to spout absolute rubbish week in week out in the get Surrey newspaper !!

It's men versus boys on the pitch and at board level. Something needs to be done.

Staines Towns Most Wanted

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Re: what a joke

By Mark (legacy user)29/12/2014 07:46Mon Dec 29 07:46:02 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2429

My opinion is xxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xx x xxxxx xxx xx x xxxx xxxxxxxx x. Xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx. Xx xx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx.

You can only read this comment, if you subscribe by paying to watch youth football at a rate of £12 home and away.

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Re: what a joke

By Phones (legacy user)29/12/2014 10:14Mon Dec 29 10:14:59 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2376

I have been watching Staines for 45 years now, and I can't remember a worse league situation or run of poor form like it. Its very sad to see, and I feel sorry for the players. We aren't a bad team, but the confidence is so low at the moment, as soon as we concede you can't help feeling the worst. So why is this happening?

IMHO we have been playing for three quarters of the season with make shift full backs and a centre back who is being punished for every mistake he makes, and as a result we are leaking 2.5 goals a game, which is relegation material.

With the absence of Ming and Brown, we continually ask players to play out of position at full back, and although they have tried their best, we have been found wanting defensively week in week out.

For whatever reason, the management team have not brought in recognised full backs on loan. We have had good connections with clubs like Brentford and Millwall in the past, surely we could have approached them for some help?

Maybe it's because we are struggling on the cash front in these hard economic times? If so, perhaps the club could just let everybody know and we would all understand. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to football clubs at all levels.

Whatever is done now, I feel it is too late to salvage the situation. The warnings signs were there a couple of months ago, but nothing was done. We now need to win 11 of our remaining games to get 45 points, which is what Hayes and Yeading managed last season and avoided relegation. Is that realistically achievable?

Maybe I am wrong, but personally I feel we should start saving some of the clubs cash by releasing the high wage earners ready to bring in the players needed for a decent stab at promotion from the Ryman League Premier Division next season. Does anybody out there agree? If not, how much longer do we wait until action like this needs to be taken?

All clubs go through their ups and downs. We have certainly had some fab times in recent years, and we now have to stand by and support the club and the players in this difficult time in the clubs history.

Happy New Year, see you on New Years Day :)

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Re: what a joke

By Andrew67 (legacy user)29/12/2014 10:02Mon Dec 29 10:02:31 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2415

The dye has been cast im afraid ,

This season has been sliding slowly down hill for a while now , and recently it has gathered pace rapidly.

Apportioning blame individually in this situation is completely pointless.

The fact that we are, where we are is simple .. The football players who cross the white line week in week out are not good enough !

The managers comments after yesterdays shambolic performance were disgusting.
Picking out one player and blaming him for yesterdays result is very poor from the Manager. Yes Jerel has been below par this season, but dragging him off after the 4th goal went in and then publically scalding him in the local press shows Gayle lacks any class .

Jerel Ifil should not be made the scapegoat for what is happening at the club .

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Re: what a joke

By Wakes (legacy user)29/12/2014 10:27Mon Dec 29 10:27:40 2014In response to Re: what a jokeTop of thread

Views: 2399

I think yesterday's defeat was most probably the final nail in the coffin and it would take promotion form now to see us avoid relegation. I feel the only option now is to cut our losses and prepare as best we can for a promotion push from the Ryman league next season. We may as well release the top earners and play the kids now, save some dosh for next season.

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Previous thread: Marcus Gayle by Andrew6729/12/2014 12:39Mon Dec 29 12:39:02 2014view thread