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Josh Gallagher
Views: 2191
Ok we lost again but seemed to be quite impressed by our new signing Josh Gallagher.
Ok-before you say it-he has come from a lower level team but his performance today imo was good and he showed a lot of composure and maturity for a 21 year old.
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Re: Josh Gallagher
Views: 2027
I thought it was a strange team selection to be honest .
Good to see 4-4-2 again
I know Tommy Brewer is a right back , however he looked better for us as holding midfield. I have know idea why Felix ad Stephane were on the bench and as for Danny Basset not starting words failed me .
Good to see a new face at the club I agree , but throwing him straight into a team that is struggling was a huge ask .
Should have started Steph at RB Tommy as Holding MID and Danny up front instead of Shaq .
Onwards to Canvey .. oh the joys of Essex on a sunday :)
Don't Forget
Thanks to all of you for your kind words regarding the passing of mum . much appreciated
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1 person
Views: 1937
I'm very sorry to hear of the death of your mother. I know what it feels like to lose a parent - a truly horrible time, and I send you my sincere condolences.
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