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Supporters Club Raffle

By John Blair15/3/2015 15:55Sun Mar 15 15:55:41 2015

Views: 1729

The supporters club committee have organised a raffle with tickets prices at £1 per ticket.
There are 10 prizes on offer:-
a) 2015/2016 STFC season ticket.
b) 2015/2016 STFC home(or away) shirt.
c) 1 years membership of STFC supporters club.
d) £15 voucher to spend in STFC club shop.
e) Free entry into a STFC game for next season.
f) Boardroom hospitality and presenting MOM award at a 2015/2016 STFC home game.
g) Free away travel to a game next season on the coach.
h) Framed photo of you + a STFC player of your choice (or 2015/2016 team photo).
i) 2 entry tickets to the STFC race night - to be held early next season.
j) 5 free tickets to a Chelsea home game next season(courtesy of Matthew Boon).

Tickets went on sale at yesterdays game,and will be on sale at all remaining home and away games this season.
Tickets can be purchased from myself,or Dave Norris.

The raffle will be drawn on April 25th at the clubs presentation night.
Any profits from the raffle will be used by the Supporters Club to assist the club next season,in a way to be agreed by the committee.

REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT,so help your local club by purchasing a raffle ticket(or more).

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Re: Supporters Club Raffle

By dlands15/3/2015 18:40Sun Mar 15 18:40:19 2015In response to Supporters Club RaffleTop of thread

Views: 1542

Is the Supporters Club up and running yet John? I have not seen any recent communication on it?

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Re: Supporters Club Raffle

By John Blair15/3/2015 21:50Sun Mar 15 21:50:56 2015In response to Re: Supporters Club RaffleTop of thread

Views: 1510

Message to Dave Woolands(and anyone else) :-
The supporters club has been formed and was due to have a fundraising race night before the end of the season at the Thames Club. The Thames Club was going to be used as the venue to help boost the relationship between STFC and the Thames Club.
The race night is being organised by Clive Stevens.
However,due to the fact that the only dates the Thames Club are able to make it available to us(for free) do not tie up with Clive , or clash with the clubs annual presentation night we have decided to hold it at the beginning of next season - with the date to be confirmed once next seasons fixture list is released.
We,therefore,decided on a fund raising raffle to help raise awareness of the supporters club and its intention to operate for the benefit of the supporters and the football club.We have received the full backing of the chairman-Matthew Boon-who has kindly donated the use of his companys Chelsea season tickets for one game next season as one of the raffle prizes.
Both Dave Norris and myself have had some interesting conversations with Matthew regarding the aim of the supporters club and he is fully supportive of what our aims our.
Hope this answers your question?

Edited by John Blair at 21:51:24 on 15th March 2015
Edited by John Blair at 22:31:45 on 15th March 2015

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Re: Supporters Club Raffle

By John Blair20/3/2015 19:33Fri Mar 20 19:33:08 2015In response to Re: Supporters Club RaffleTop of thread

Views: 1467

275 tickets sold last Saturday/last Tuesday.
I will have raffle tickets with me tomorrow (at Bromley) if anyone wants to buy some,or buy some more.

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Previous thread: Matthew Boon by John Blair20/3/2015 19:23Fri Mar 20 19:23:01 2015view thread