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By John Blair8/8/2015 08:22Sat Aug 8 08:22:32 2015

Views: 1627

As per last season i will be doing the player sponsorships this season.
These will start to be done at the home game against Leatherhead on August 15th.

Regarding any player that has been retained from last seasons squad , their sponsor from last season will be offered the chance to renew their sponsorship of that player.

Sponsorship prices remain unchanged at £60

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By John Blair15/8/2015 08:05Sat Aug 15 08:05:39 2015In response to PLAYER SPONSORSHIPTop of thread

Views: 1515

Just a reminder to anyone interested in sponsoring a player this season.
These sponsorships are available from today - priced at £60.
Come and see me at todays game.

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By John Blair16/8/2015 12:58Sun Aug 16 12:58:18 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIPTop of thread

Views: 1536

Player/Management sponsorships priced at £60 each went on sale yesterday , and thankyou to everybody that agreed to take out this form of sponsorship.
I managed to get sponsors for 14 of the first team squad , along with sponsors for all 6 of the coaching/medical staff.
This leaves 6 of the squad currently unsponsored - these being:-

Ahmed Abdulla
Aaron Okuleye
Callum McAllister
Prince M'Bengui
Chace O'Neill
Harry Churchill.

If anybody would like to sponsor any of the above , come and see me at any of the next 3 home games.

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By John Blair19/8/2015 18:19Wed Aug 19 18:19:16 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATETop of thread

Views: 1482

Managed to sell 4 more player sponsorships last night , leaving just 2 of the original playing squad unsponsored.
These being :- Chace O'Neill and Prince M'Bengui.
Add to that the scorer of last nights opening goal :- Alfie(son of Scotty the legend) Taylor.
Any interested person/people out there who would like to take up the offer of sponsoring one of the above for a mere £60.
If you are interested, come and see me at any of the next few games(be it home or away)

Edited by John Blair at 18:20:12 on 19th August 2015

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By Follow the Swans21/8/2015 12:16Fri Aug 21 12:16:56 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATETop of thread

Views: 1482

Has ABS [Ahmed] been sponsored? John ... can you do a list on here that I can use?

Edited by Follow the Swans at 12:19:21 on 21st August 2015

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By John Blair21/8/2015 22:53Fri Aug 21 22:53:41 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATETop of thread

Views: 1518

OK Keith , you asked for a list which is as follows:-


Nicky Forster - STFC Supporters Club.
Graham Abercrombie - David Brown
Martyn Spong - Gordon + Christine Harberd
Roy Lewis - Gary Frost + Mark Goldson + Laurence Wakefield
Becky Peacock - Ron Windsor
Daniel Bearfoot-Fallon - Kerry Wainwright


Ahmed Abdulla - Norman McNichol
Jack Bennett - The Norris family
Jeremy Boakye - Dave Ward
Tommy Brewer - Roger + Natalie Thompson
Harry Churchill - Patrick Boon
Pat Cox - STFC Supporters Club
Erivaldo Felix - Steve parsons
Mitchal Gough - Mike Holland + Hilary Denning
Jack Hutchinson - Matthew Boon
Michael Kalu - Chris + Kerry Wainwright
Ashley Lodge - David + Jessica Espley
Callum McAllister - Andrew Ashley
Joe O'Cearuill - John 'Gooner'Blair
Aaron Okuleye - Roger Marsden
Darren Purse - Steve McCarthy
Jack Turner - ETA Logistics
Terence Vancooten - Amanda Boon
Luke Wanadio - Max Angliss

A total of 18 players + the 6 coaching/support staff have been sponsored.

Most of the above details were in Tuesdays programme , but you were'nt there to read it.LOL

How generous are you feeling Keith ?
Would you be interested in sponsoring one of the remaining players ( Chace O'Neill/Prince M'bengui/Alfie(son of Scott the legend)Taylor).

Edited by John Blair at 22:55:34 on 21st August 2015
Edited by John Blair at 22:56:12 on 21st August 2015

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By Follow the Swans22/8/2015 16:51Sat Aug 22 16:51:25 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATETop of thread

Views: 1371

3 for the price of one! Only Joking!

I'll do Alfie [SWANS WEBSITE Sponsors Alfie Taylor] ... I'll sort it with you when I get back.

Edited by Follow the Swans at 16:52:29 on 22nd August 2015

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By John Blair22/8/2015 23:19Sat Aug 22 23:19:17 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATETop of thread

Views: 1333

Nice one Keith,
Leaves just Chace O'Neill and Prince M'bengui available for sponsorship.

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Previous thread: Farnborough by V W Swan20/8/2015 13:49Thu Aug 20 13:49:45 2015view thread