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Next thread: Staines Town 1-0 Leatherhead | Highlights & Post Match by footballexclusives.com16/8/2015 18:37Sun Aug 16 18:37:40 2015view thread
Views: 1609
These will start to be done at the home game on Aug 11th against Bognor Regis.
As in previous seasons the price will be £10 per envelope.
As per last season , i will have a table by the wooden supporters hut where you can purchase these.
Edited by John Blair at 08:25:28 on 8th August 2015
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Views: 1514
Despite not having the table out due to the rain i managed to sell 66 points draw tickets at tonights game.
Almost half sold of the 138 available.
The cost is £10 for one entry or £15 for two entrys.
These will be available again on Saturday and next Tuesday..
If you hav'nt already purchased 1(or 2) of these come and see me on Saturday,or next Tuesday.
If all tickets are sold the prizes will be in the region of £500 if you get the correct seasons points total , or £250 if your number is 1 number either side of that total.
Remember , you have to be in it to stand a chance of winning it.
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Views: 1508
Could explain briefly how it works please?
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Views: 1400
Basically Swan Fan it works like this:-
Each purchaser of a points draw ticket is allocated a number between 1 and 138 ( the maximum number of points that a team can get in the season). If your number correspondences with the number of points that Staines finish the season with , then you win the 1st prize.(hopefully in the region of £500). If your number is 1 either side of the number Staines finish the season with , then you win a runners up prize(hopefully in the region of £250).
Tickets can be purchased from me at all home games in August , or until they sell out.
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Views: 1361
These have been on sale at the last 2 home games , and i have,so far, sold 107 of the 138 available.
If you have not allready purchased one , and would like to do so come and see me at any of the next 2 home games.
These are priced at £10 each.
Alternatively , if you have purchased one , but would like to purchase a second for a knockdown price of £5 come and see me.
The points draw will be made once the remainder of the tickets have been sold.
Edited by John Blair at 13:02:00 on 16th August 2015
Edited by John Blair at 17:18:44 on 16th August 2015
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Previous thread: Leatherhead FC by Anon14/8/2015 10:30Fri Aug 14 10:30:24 2015view thread