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By V W Swan20/8/2015 13:49Thu Aug 20 13:49:45 2015

Views: 1525

Farnborough's appeal against the 30k bond has been dismissed by the FA and they have been given 7 days to find this - until then their fixtures are suspended so looks like we will not be playing them on the 25th

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Re: Farnborough

By borofan8920/8/2015 15:11Thu Aug 20 15:11:04 2015In response to FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1457

bond has been payed this morning so the game will go ahead just not sure if we start saturday or tuseday

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Re: Farnborough

By Dave_LW20/8/2015 16:36Thu Aug 20 16:36:29 2015In response to Re: FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1457

Call me a cynic but I wonder where this destitute club have suddenly managed to get £30k to pay for the bond.

It is good that Staines should have a home game next week and we are due to play them away soon as well. Presume they'll suffer a points deduction following the precedents set in other leagues?

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Re: Farnborough

By borofan8920/8/2015 16:50Thu Aug 20 16:50:00 2015In response to Re: FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1431

we had the money for the bond but didnt pay say we could pay the bond and still be kicked out of the league and thats y we appealed the bond there was more to the story then was said from the league and from the club but its all coming out now tho so as it stands now the league cant kick us so yes they won but so did we i will be looking forward to comeing to your place as its always a good game.

Edited by borofan89 at 16:50:56 on 20th August 2015

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Re: Farnborough

By Norm20/8/2015 17:07Thu Aug 20 17:07:52 2015In response to Re: FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1522

Not sure Dave if "real money " actually changes hands- it all depends on the type of bond demanded by the league.It may simply be confirmation by a Bank that there are sufficient funds earmarked by themselves in an account/s of the person/s who are signatories to the "Bond".
I would never expect Farnborough with their past record to do anything which was simple and transparent such as paying £30,000 in cash over to the Ryman . However, I live in hope for the loyal supporters that this is a fresh start for the club.

Best wishes to all

Edited by Norm at 17:08:10 on 20th August 2015

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Re: Farnborough

By Dave_LW20/8/2015 18:28Thu Aug 20 18:28:03 2015In response to Re: FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1396

You are correct Norm - cash does not change hands but there will be e.g. Bank guarantees required. You can be sure though that any Bank giving this form of bond / guarantee will need to be covered themselves in the form of Directors guarantee supported by a charge over e.g. property.

It seems though that Farnborough have tried to "bend the CVA" so that not all the creditors will be paid. This will run and run I expect. At least the Isthmian league are taking a firm stance at last. Shame they could not have done earlier in the summer....

Edited by Dave_LW at 18:28:23 on 20th August 2015

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Re: Farnborough

By borofan8920/8/2015 17:03Thu Aug 20 17:03:43 2015In response to Re: FarnboroughTop of thread

Views: 1582

we pay the bond and still cant play

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Previous thread: Farnborough game OFF by Follow the Swans20/8/2015 18:05Thu Aug 20 18:05:56 2015view thread