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A big thankyou
Views: 1733
On behalf of the supporters club i would like to say a big thankyou for the good behaviour of all those who travelled by coach to Orient yesterday.
All supporters aged 16 or under who travelled by coach were entered into a draw to be a mascot at a future Saturday home game in December/January/February. This draw was won by Emma Johnson ( daughter of Darren Johnson ). Emma and Darren have been advised of this.
A shame that the result did not go our way but at least we did something that no other Ryman league club did this season - i.e. got to the FA Cup 1st round.
Edited by John Blair at 21:42:28 on 8th November 2015
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Re: A big thankyou
Views: 1507
Thanks John. Both my grandsons and I enjoyed the day. Your hard work, as ever, made a great day for all of us. Shame about the result!
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A big thankyou to you John.
Views: 1618
The reason that the coaches ran so well was down to your organisation John. Lots of hard work and hours spent down at the club sorting everything out is why it went so well. Well done from all of us. #wherewouldwebewithoutyou
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Re: A big thankyou to you John.
Views: 1641
Thankyou for your appreciation Gordon/Chris.
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Re: A big thankyou to you John.
Views: 1541
Yep ... Totally agree. Doing a great job for the fans John! Thanks from me and my carer.
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Re: A big thankyou to you John.
Views: 1663
Agree with everyone thanks for all your hard work John. It's was good day out
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Previous thread: Great read here ... by Follow the Swans9/11/2015 14:12Mon Nov 9 14:12:47 2015view thread