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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Harrow Borough away by John Blair8/1/2016 22:58Fri Jan 8 22:58:14 2016view thread
Hayes and Yeading (or is it Staines Town -Mark 2)
Views: 1484
So Ashley Lodge and now Darren Purse have joined Hayes & Yeading.
Thats 5 ex-swans at H & Y now as the above 2 join Max Worsfold,Adam Everitt and Lewis Ferrell on the H & Y payroll.
If any more ex-swans join them they could become our 'B' team.
Edited by John Blair at 21:33:31 on 8th January 2016
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Previous thread: Huge good luck to you Martyn !!!! by G.HARBERD8/1/2016 14:17Fri Jan 8 14:17:49 2016view thread