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Re: Johnson Hippolyte ...
Views: 1755
Thank goodness we have finally appointed someone with a good track record at this level - lets hope he can bring in the guys he is after.A positive start which is reassuring for the future.
Best wishes to all
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Re: Johnson Hippolyte ...
Views: 1706
At last some action has been taken to stop the rot. Although a great club man, Martyn Spong's record as interim first team manager is that in two stints at the job he has yet to earn a league point. No guarantee that Hippolyte will improve things of course but his track record indicates that he probably will. VCD game next Tuesday is critical. 3 points an absolute must.
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Previous thread: Supporters minibus to Tonbridge Angels Sat 13th Feb by John Blair8/2/2016 21:01Mon Feb 8 21:01:13 2016view thread