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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Swans at Hendon ... by Follow the Swans26/2/2016 17:53Fri Feb 26 17:53:21 2016view thread
A new low !
Views: 2055
Firstly, well done to the 15 or so who braved the cold last night .
I for one really wanted to win this cup. Being top club in Middlesex shouldn't be sniffed at . Winning a trophy in may would have been nice.
So last night's awful performance really didn't sit well with me .
Yes the pitch resembled a plough field, but it was the same for both teams. And yes maybe the club feel concentrating on staying up are more important but as a fan a big shiny trophy is always nice .
You couldn't really describe our team as "2nd string" all last night's team are considered "1st team" and on paper should have comfortably beaten a team like Northwood.
All in all our performance was shocking .. maybe 1 shot, yet again corners not beating the 1st man. Their goalkeeper was hardly troubled.
So no big shiny trophy this season.. now it's back to the fight to remain in the Ryman premier.
And don't forget
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Re: A new low !
Views: 1885
Agree totally Andrew,i am still trying to work out why we continue to put ourselvs through the effort that it takes to get to these games. We stand out in some appalling conditions,watching our team give so little effort and don't appear to give a damn if they win or lose! I have lost count of the number of games in which the opposing goalkeeper hardly had a shot on target to deal.
I am certain that we are watching the worst Staines Town team i have ever seen.!!!
lets hope 'Drax' is able to turn this shambles round before it's to late.
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Re: A new low !
Views: 1858
Having been 1 of the 16 Staines fans to venture to Northwood last night i would agree.
A Cup Final in May would have been nice for the team and supporters but the players performances last night were never going to let that happen.
The majority of the team last night played with little or no skill with crosses/passes going astray more often than not and hardly a sense of pride displayed on the pitch by the majority of the team.
Our performances on the pitch have been embarrassing at times , and last night was one of them.
I believe that 'Drax' is the right man for the managers job , but he has got his work cut out to turn our fortunes round.
Good luck to him!!!
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Re: A new low !
Views: 1923
I have to see it from a positive point of view, realistically we only have to win 3 or 4 more games.
Yes it's a shame we couldn't have won Tuesday but in the long term it doesn't really matter.
My main concern is staying in the league this season and starting again from scratch next year.
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Re: A new low !
Views: 1790
Good to see Brentwood lose last night! #SqueekyBumTime
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Re: A new low !
Views: 1783
Sorry but there was nothing positive about the game. They should have won the match and then us fans would have had something to look forward to. Winning would also have boosted the teams moral and they could have gone on with more confidence to avoid relegation. We couldn't pass to each other we kept giving the ball away. Yes the pitch down the centre wasn't that clever but the opposition manage enough to put 2 past us. Why couldn't we have used the width and played down the sides...... because we are not capable of reading the situation we just play the same style of football every game, and loose most of them.
And yes after all that I shall still be there Sat. hoping for a win.
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Previous thread: Middlesex Cup tonight! by Follow the Swans23/2/2016 08:53Tue Feb 23 08:53:58 2016view thread