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Oldest article: ''ships in the night ''
by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Met. Police by Arthur22/10/2016 21:46Sat Oct 22 21:46:06 2016view thread
last night
Views: 1559
Still struggling to find the back of the net, defence continues to be vulnerable but a better all round performance.
This Saturday has to be the game we start another winning streak.
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Re: last night
Views: 1498
Met police beat Havant last night at Havant
Let`s hope it`s not the start of a winning streak for THEM !
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Re: last night
Views: 1537
I'm sure i speak for all the dedicated supporters though,in saying how pleased we all are to see Mitch back in a Staines shirt. Lets hope he stays injury free this time, boy do we need him now.
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Re: last night
Views: 1481
Yes great to see Mitch back. Hoping to see a couple of others back Saturday as injuries have told on us the last couple of weeks, it was always going to be tough against a good Bognor side. Played well first half but did fade 2nd half, we really do need to bring in a striker who knows where the back of the net is.
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Previous thread: Jefferson Louis/Pat Cox by John Blair13/10/2016 22:15Thu Oct 13 22:15:40 2016view thread