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Ground maintenance
Views: 1472
This season Ken has been , including his other responsibilities, looking after the pitch . With the very wet weather,and other problems with the playing surface this has meant he is spending something like 4 hours a day , 5 days a week working on the surface to get the next 1st team game on. Over the last few weeks I have been able to help him.
Just wondering if there are other supporters , who like me are retired, and could allocate a few hours each week to helping at the club on the pitch ,replacing divots, etc.
I am making this request , without Kens knowledge , but knowing it will help him a great deal, and also the club and to show that we supporters will help the club in any way which we can.
Many thanks
Edited by Norm at 22:36:39 on 12th February 2018
Edited by Norm at 22:37:24 on 12th February 2018
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Re: Ground maintenance
Views: 1284
hopefully now people will realise the hours and effort my Dad Graham Gould put into making Staines Town pitch as good as it was, for 20 or more so years he would do a full days work and still go and attend to the pitch in whatever weather, all for the love of the club, even when he was diagnosed with his illness he still done the grass cutting, white lining and many other jobs, luckily enough he did have a few very good few friends who would go and assist him most of the time,
As they say, you don't know a good thing until it's gone!
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Previous thread: Football programme by Mac6628/2/2018 21:28Wed Feb 28 21:28:37 2018view thread