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Another new manager
Views: 1287
The appointments are getting stranger and stranger......................what are they on ?
Guess that no experienced manager will take the job on due to such a small budget together with not having total control over player recruitment.
Ah well we can now add Silkman on to the list of ex pros who have arrived at the club in recent years .
Very good news to see Bill Baker back at the ground looking well after his operation......welcome back Bill. Fancy being manager ? I reckon it will be your turn sometime after christmas.
Best wishes to all
Edited by Norm at 16:21:07 on 27th November 2018
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Re: Another new manager
Views: 1058
Funny thing is Norm, Barry Silkman has more football experience than the previous two managers combined. I do wonder from your comments if you actually want the club to fail as you seem to take great pleasure in saying told you so on here !
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Re: Another new manager
Views: 1013
I can assure you that I only want success for the club and have backed this up with concrete support ,in various ways, to the club in previous seasons and continue to do so under the current owners.
Yes I express views on here ,however I raise the exact same concerns directly with the club officials/owners face to face.l do not believe in simply posting on social media forums-from my experience “actions speak louder than words
Best wishes to all
Edited by Norm at 15:29:20 on 28th November 2018
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1 person
Re: Another new manager
Views: 1064
Well said Norm spot on
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Re: Another new manager
Views: 1130
The big question for me is why on earth Barry Silkman would want the job.
What I mean by this is , to the best of my knowledge, he is still an agent, a very successful one at that.
Is he really going to be able to give 100% of his time to the squad , training and match days traveling around the country on a Saturday...or will he just dispatch the assistant and wish them well ?
A fine player of his day and I can vouch for that , I don't recall too much managerial experience.
Also why do the owners think he can just walk in a turn fortune's around. End of January (transfer deadline) will be interested, we will probably have won as many points in this time as his appearances.
The owners need to look at themselves , they waited an iternity to get their man , sacked him in no time and Silkman move into the hot seat ....such storie lines EastEnders would be proud of.
After saying all that I hope proves me completely wrong sprinkles over some gold dust and shoots us away from the drop.
This you'd like to think is the last throw of the dice and maybe a 6 may finally land .
Edited by If in doubt at 07:21:05 on 28th November 2018
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Re: Another new manager
Views: 1048
Just a thought, but given that, as stated, “a change was required to keep the team in the division” then perhaps this appointment is as much to do with player recruitment? For sure, if anyone has the contacts, then it’s Barry Silkman. And who knows, maybe we’ll see an influx of seasoned pros capable of gelling as a team quick enough to get us out of this mess? Or am I in dreamland..... once again?!
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