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Silver lining?
Views: 1684
Looking at the geography of the teams in the Isthmian League South Central it looks like we may get in there with a few local derbies dependant on who goes where etc.
Ashford, Egham and Bedfont all in there although Egham flirting with relegation.
Rather than the Southern League Div 1 South with Barnstaple and Bideford (Although I might be able to tie that in with a visit to the relatives!)
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1592
You are of course, making the assumption that the team will still exist next season. ☹️
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1571
Ah yes there is that, I'm jumping the gun a bit maybe?
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1555
Just stating a few facts and in the position that we now find ourselves in, even if we were now given last seasons playing budget, it would still not be enough to drag ourselves to safety as players of last seasons quality would not want to be involved at this end of the table. It would probably now take double last seasons budget to get those standard of players back here now and to play for a manager that has no experience at this level. Chesham got themselves together just in time so it seems with a good solid managerial appointment and I feel had Tommy Williams and Alan Inns been offered the job as we all thought he would then we may well have been alright.
The best thing the club can do now is completely cut the budget, play the kids and put all the funds into a pot for an increased budget next season in the league below. Anything spent on paying the players now will be a complete waste of money unless we go 5-10k per week to get players in willing to swap promotion challenges for a payday....
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1455
The best thing the club can do now is completely cut the budget, play the kids and put all the funds into a pot for an increased budget next season in the league below. Anything spent on paying the players now will be a complete waste of money unless we go 5-10k per week to get players in willing to swap promotion challenges for a payday....[/quote]
Also on this point... So say we get promoted and spend that money. What happens when we return to the southern league having spent the saved money?
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1432
Ok I’ll be a bit more generous and reserve my judgements until after the next 2 games. We are away to the team one place above us then we play the league leaders. If we lose both these games which I would say is highly likely, then I would say enough is enough we are finished UNLESS we miraculously manage to increase the budget by say X 3 and get a manager in who has players who wants to play for him. Even then, it would be a bloody tall order which is why we would ideally need and I never thought I would say it, someone in the Glenn Tamplin mould who would be prepared to give us a 10k budget and get a few mercinaries in for a pay day.
We will be relegated by Xmas that’s almost a dead cert. On the other hand, why don’t our 3 Chinese friends try putting their hands in their collective pockets instead of watching from above and not lifting a finger which is what they appear to be doing? Who are they even and have they actually attended a single game this season?
On the subject of cutting the budget and saving for next season, I would have thought after going back up the club would be in a much healthier position with stability on and off the pitch, therefore the budget would not need to be sky high unless that is what the club want of course...
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1459
Well ... we now have a statement of intent from the Chairman. Whilst words and promises are just words and promises I am pleased to see some form of intent. It can’t come quick enough!
Respect for the solid few who are their day to day ... hope you are looking after Trev!
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1403
What statement of intent from the owners are you referring to?
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1363
Came via Supporters Club mailshot Colin!
Edited by Follow the Swans at 10:19:36 on 14th December 2018
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1469
A statement sent to the supporters club members earlier
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1631
On a serious note ...
How times have changed. I may be 200 miles away but this is really hurting. Since day one of the changes when club officials, staff and players all departed through one reason and another the new owners have been unable to stabilise a rocky ship and set foundations for the future. We are now in a serious place where some believe the club could even go out of business. This is a crucial time for all and time to pull together in support of the club. The management situation has been very unsettling and is still affecting the feel around WP and IMO the owners need to address this asap. No one is going to want to come to the club at this time but we are still not even at the Christmas period.
Can we change the mood, can we change the situation? Any ideas on initiatives?
On a not so serious note ... Get a Dog!
1986/7 Trailing 2-1 to Crewe with only minutes remaining of their final game, Torquay were heading out of the Football League and – according to their chairman – into “financial oblivion”.
At that point, fate intervened in the most unexpected of ways, when a police dog named Bryn ripped a chunk of flesh out of Jim McNichol’s thigh – for which the Torquay defender required 17 stitches.
The game was held up for four minutes, “but it gave my team-mates time to regroup and reorganise themselves,” explained McNichol. With the referee about to blow his whistle, Torquay equalised – in the fourth minute of injury time – and saved themselves. McNichol missed the post-match party “because I was having tetanus checks,” but he was later reunited with Bryn for some nauseating press pics.
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1349
Can’t believe Bryn the dog was mentioned on here and it wasn’t by me!
Edited by Torquayrob at 09:31:42 on 16th December 2018
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1499
Well said Keith.
For nearly a week now I have been down to the ground each morning to try and find Paul and/ or Joe to find out what is going on. I have also been phoning the number on the website-no answer and does not go onto messaging.
Did anyone speak to them on Tuesday evening?
If anyone has a contact number for the new owners can they please pass it on to me.
Sadly the new owners seem to have fallen out with just about everyone who supported and guided the club over the last 10/15 years.
IMO bridges have to be rebuilt, experienced manager with contacts appointed and a squad of experienced players assembled under contracts early in 2019 .
Best wishes
Edited by Norm at 07:30:47 on 13th December 2018
Edited by Norm at 07:31:44 on 13th December 2018
Edited by Norm at 07:32:38 on 13th December 2018
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1478
I haven't been on this forum for some years now however i have to make a comment here. Norman,you spoke about Joe/Paul not being at the club,can you tell me when Matthew was in charge was he at the club at your beckoning call? You also spoke about the club looking in a poor state,I went to Tuesdays game and the ground and pitch where in fantastic condition imo. Do people forget Joe and Paul have other business to run outside of the club? Why should they be at the club just to see you? Have you emailed or called them to arrange for them to meet you there?
Can I also raise the ludicrous point you made about appointing managers and players under contract. Can i take you back to when Nicky Forseter was in charge and he had EVERY player under contract?How did that go for us? We nearly got relegated. Yes I'm a realist we are in a bad place at the moment within the club however we need to support the owners and do all we can to help the club.
I'm upset as the rest of us but at the end of the day we support the team thick and thin.
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1433
I understand where you are coming from Patrick ,however when Paul and Joe took over the club they moved their business and equipment into the porta cabin above the supporters shop. They said that this indicated how serious they were in making the club a success.They were subsequently there everyday running their business-they were still doing that at least until end of August -I have been away for most of the time since then-so I was surprised to find last week that it appeared as if they had moved out.
I am interested to find out the rational behind the managerial appointments and the appointment of the guy who was to manage player recruitment.Why recruit and then fire within a matter of a few weeks.If supporters knew the thinking behind the decisions then we could have a better understanding of the problems.
I also wished to offer my services in helping during the week on the pitch as I did last season or other tasks around the ground such as ensuring that future fixtures are displayed at the entrance gate or fixing the metal display boards around the perimeter wall which when I looked last week were lying on the grass.All tasks which I thought would be of help to Joe and Paul.
If you have their Email address could you kindly let me have them.
John you mention the new owners being let down by certain people-in which way do you think they have been let down . If we know then perhaps it can be rectified either by practical help or by mediating between the parties concerned.This can only be good for the club.
Best wishes
Edited by Norm at 23:54:48 on 14th December 2018
Edited by Norm at 00:06:51 on 15th December 2018
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1453
I agree with Pat.
Joe and Paul can not be expected to be at the club all the time.
Ken Williams was there most days - but not all.
Matthew was rarely there apart from on some match days.
As for Paul and Joe , Paul was at the game on Tuesday and had been there for most of the day and was there well gone 10pm after the game before heading home to Witney where he lives.
Joe was away on business - possibly to do with STFC and trying to secure future investment.
IMO - whilst none of us are happy with what has happened on the pitch this season , and in some cases - what has happened off the pitch , i believe that the new owners need our support more than ever now.
They may have made mistakes ,and will readily admit that , but have also been badly let down by certain people.
Supporters need to show them that we care what happens - and not keep sniping at them on social media ( like some ex-supporters and the like)
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1391
I agree with most of what you say John, but there are things that are in Joe and Pauls control, the marking out of the pitch, making sure that the tea bar is open so as away supporters can get a bite to eat, put up the Alan Boon sign. These may be little things compared to the bigger picture, but for these there is no excuse. I still support the club and will continue to do so but for what is happening or should I say not happening it does make it hard.
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1380
I agree with you Ron.
The Alan Boon stand sign should be up by now.
As for the tea bar , there should be hot food available at all first team games - especially on a cold December Tuesday evening.
Its bad enough that you can't get even get a beer at a home game without the tea bar not selling hot food on 2 Tuesday evening home games - one in November and one in December.
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Re: Silver lining?
Views: 1492
I am concerned regarding the ambiguity in the statement... does it read they are going forward without a finance person in place and therefore looking for local sponsors only or does the statement read otherwise?
Edited by Follow the Swans at 17:48:40 on 14th December 2018
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Previous thread: On The Positive Side by DevonSwan13/12/2018 13:45Thu Dec 13 13:45:01 2018view thread