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Views: 1818
I have heard that there is not any catering facilities at Staines at present, Is that no Bar & Resfeshments ?
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Views: 1795
There is currently a dispute between us and the Thames club therefore the bar is currently closed. The tea bar however is open as usual.
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Views: 1783
Yea seems the Thames club are doing their best to ensure we fail.
I'll certainly never give them a penny of my money again !
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Views: 2025
Truly shocking how the Thames club are treating us, until the current owners are out, all STFC fans should not give them a penny...
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Views: 1712
Wakes, perhaps you can share with this forum the reasons for the breakdown in relationship. I assume you know all the facts by the way you are happy to post your comments on here?
Would be great if we all knew the truth about the situation.
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Views: 1647
I thought Matthew Boon still had a 20% Share ownership in the club ?
If so he has been very quiet and absent from the club. I would have thought he would step forward and mediate between STFC & The Thames Club with the current apparent infighting that is going on ... Especially as his sister works there. Otherwise the Thames Club may get their way and squeeze the football club out completely. It is us fans that are feeling the full force of this fallout.
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Views: 1570
yeh good point, Havent seen Matthew at a game all season. You wouldnt have thought he would want to see the club die.
maybe he needs to step in before its too late!
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Views: 1707
Only commenting on what I can see with my own eyes Pins. Were you not there on Saturday to witness the Thames Club owners locking up the club shop and shutting down the electric? If I’m taking sides it will always be STFC over the Thames Club, period.
Edited by Wakes at 18:54:11 on 27th December 2018
Edited by Wakes at 18:55:49 on 27th December 2018
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Views: 1220
As C P Scott once said
"Comment is Free, but Facts are Sacred"
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Views: 1320
probably a response to the coach / manager trying to get the locks changed on thursday evening,
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Views: 1629
Haha hardly takes a genius to see they are trying to force the club out. Perhaps if relations were better under the previous ownership there could have been a better handover to the new owners. All this crap happening off the pitch when its the true fans it affects !!!!!!!!!
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Views: 1736
What is going on at the moment is truly childish, it is like two children in the school playground. It is time both sides sat round a table and talked like responsible adults instead of trying to score points of each other. Remember this is about a football club that was put on the map by ALAN BOON, please respect his memory and sort out your differences before there is no club to save.
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Views: 1592
I had a meeting with those responsible for the Thames club 10 days ago. I do know what has or has not being going on.However,due to the stick I took from one or two individuals when I last posted on here previously ,the truth will stay with me. I can assure you it really is quite simple.
Good health and happiness to all for 2019
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Views: 1475
Oooo Norm you tease, I guess having had a meeting with the Thames club you have only heard their side of the story. Mr Boon still remains AWOL.
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Views: 1197
No text
Edited by Norm at 18:42:10 on 11th January 2019
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Views: 1573
Norman I’m glad you’re keeping it to yourself that way we don’t have to hear your rather idiotic responses
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Previous thread: What do the owners actually own? by Swan8/1/2019 22:41Tue Jan 8 22:41:29 2019view thread