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RIP Staines Town
Views: 1342
It’s an incredibly difficult and desperately sad time for the club that I have had the pleasure of supporting and following for nearly 20 years now. Every time I see something on this site or speak to supporters at the ‘away’ games that I can make the news just seems to get worse and more depressing. It would be easy to write an article pointing the blame at this person or that person, the Thames Club, but if I’m honest I do not know what the facts are as so little information is out in the public domain. However, what is plainly obvious to everyone that follows the club is that Staines Town is very slowly and painfully being choked of its existence as we currently know it.
So, this is a plea to those parties, with the facts and the power to change what is happening to find a way to sit down together, make apologies, if required, then formulate a plan to save this club that we, the humble fan follow. It is the very least you owe the many fans who have spent years following the club, devoting their time and spending their hard earned money at the turnstiles, sponsoring players, the bar, the food hut and club shop. Put aside your grievances, swallow your pride and find a way before it is too late!
Edited by Devon Swan part deux at 15:46:06 on 28th December 2018
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1 person
Re: RIP Staines Town
Views: 1290
Hear, hear.
I think you’ve summed up what every fan is thinking, very succinctly.
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Re: RIP Staines Town
Views: 1219
Could'nt agree more.
There are two sides to every story but it needs sorting out before it is too late.
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Previous thread: Taunton by RobboSwan22/12/2018 18:50Sat Dec 22 18:50:26 2018view thread