Newest article: Re: FA Vase 2024/25 season by John Blair20/9/2024 19:56Fri Sep 20 19:56:25 2024view thread
Oldest article: ''ships in the night ''
by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: What do the owners actually own? by Swan8/1/2019 22:41Tue Jan 8 22:41:29 2019view thread
Views: 1579
Has Paul now resigned from the club?
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Views: 1499
He resigned about 3 weeks back Keith
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Views: 1505
Just had. DM Laurence cheers! Just leaves Joe Dixon according to my business listing. 👍
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Views: 1493
Paul resigned as a director of STFC on 11th December 2018 , with his 25% shareholding being transferred to Joe Dixon.
Joe Dixon now has a 80% shareholding , the remaining 20% being held by Matthew Boon.
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Views: 1486
What about our three Chinese props? Still on the mantelpiece for display purposes only or do they no longer hold an interest in the club?
Edited by Wakes at 19:20:42 on 4th January 2019
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Views: 1536
They do not have a shareholding - so not sure what their exact purpose was unless it was interest in purchasing the Thames Club if it was up for sale
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Previous thread: Supporters Club Raffle - to be drawn on 1st Jan 2019 by John Blair8/12/2018 08:31Sat Dec 8 08:31:48 2018view thread