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Next thread: STFC Matchday Programme by V W Swan16/3/2019 11:52Sat Mar 16 11:52:55 2019view thread
Views: 1259
Didn't think I would be saying those words again this season. Wasn't there today but would like to congratulate the lads for their efforts as they never give up. Not entirely surprised either because Froome were the worst side I've seen this season at their place; where they were extremely fortunate to beat us 2-0.
Come on You Swans!
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Views: 1130
Congratulations to all the team for grinding out the win this afternoon.I totally respect the young kids that the club are putting out on the pitch each week. Well done to each and everyone of you.
The new owners knew the budget provided by the Boon family to keep the club at the level they had achieved over the last 15 years. In fact i know that since Matthew Boon honoured his fathers wishes and continued to finance STFC he put in around £735,000 during his time as Chairman.
The new owners knew the level of finance needed to maintain football at this level but sadly thought they new better.In fact I spoke to the Chairman Joe Dixon in Late July 2018 on the pitch and told him that the players were simply not good enough.In a very aggressive manner he poked his fingers at me and said " we will not be relegated" we will be signing players in October/November who are not getting regular game else where." We know what we are doing"-Who was right.
just think that Supporters need to be proactive and and to start thinking how we can start to get this club back to the level that Alan Boon worked so hard to achieve over 30 years
I am prepared to put money into the club are there any other supporters out there who are prepared to join me. We need to meet ,take advice from other clubs who were in the same situation.Can we not replicate the Salford Cty model as we have numerous pros/ex pros living within 30 miles who might think about supporting us.
Do we think the new owners know best or do we start to take over and push the club forward,
Would welcome every ones views . or am I simply daft in thinking that supporters care enough to get the club back to where it belongs.
Best wishes Norm
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Next season
Views: 1055
Nice thought that you are willing to help the club Norm but I am not so sure others would follow suit. We had a similar boost the budget scheme a while ago and as far as I know, not many people paid into it and if so was peanuts. I feel the majority of people have enough trouble making ends meet at home let alone give up their wages to the football club, which they kind of do anyway every other week. How much are we talking? If you are willing to fund the club say a figure of 10k, a nice thought but it would only pay the players for say 3 weeks if we are to be competitive next season in the league below.
If Joe decides to leave at the end of the season then we will need to seek investment from the supporters, but it will not be enough. Worst case scenario: No other benefactor comes in and we struggle for sponsorship. The squad would be the same standard as this season which is probably around mid table Combined Counties at best and that is PROVIDING we can even meet their expenses at say £30 per week. Not only this, with no income from the bar (something which nearly every club benefits from) who is even going to pay their expenses? If we are lucky then you may even decide to step forward Norm but even then the same standard squad would again finish bottom of the league below, so where does that leave us? With no support from the Thames club we would probably be competitive in Combined Counties division One or the Surrey Elite league.
I feel that should Joe decide to stay then we will be competitive next season. This season has been a complete disaster but lessons have been learnt and I think it would be safe to say that Joe will not be here next season if he thought we could not be competitive, because what’s the point in running a football club that’s going nowhere, stressing you out and draining all your finances? If he quits then we are in sxxx street because the Thames club will be a wrath round our neck.
Edited by Wakes at 11:19:36 on 10th March 2019
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Re: Next season
Views: 1125
Wakes, your support for the current Chairman is admirable. It would be good to know what lessons you think have been learned this season?
Have you spoken directly to the Thames Club or is your view of them based on the chairman’s side of the story? They are still listed as a sponsor on the website.
Norm’s offer is a generous one and I know a few other long standing supporters (with means) would consider making significant investment but the football club is a limited company with one shareholder holding control - unless that were to change (given their leadership for all matters on and off the pitch since taking over) you are probably quite right - no sane person would invest.
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Views: 1109
Congratulations to all the team for grinding out the win this afternoon.I totally respect the young kids that the club are putting out on the pitch each week. Well done to each and everyone of you.
The new owners knew the budget provided by the Boon family to keep the club at the level they had achieved over the last 15 years. In fact i know that since Matthew Boon honoured his fathers wishes and continued to finance STFC he put in around £735,000 during his time as Chairman.
The new owners knew the level of finance needed to maintain football at this level but sadly thought they new better.In fact I spoke to the Chairman Joe Dixon in Late July 2018 on the pitch and told him that the players were simply not good enough.In a very aggressive manner he poked his fingers at me and said " we will not be relegated" we will be signing players in October/November who are not getting regular game else where." We know what we are doing"-Who was right.
just think that Supporters need to be proactive and and to start thinking how we can start to get this club back to the level that Alan Boon worked so hard to achieve over 30 years
I am prepared to put money into the club are there any other supporters out there who are prepared to join me. We need to meet ,take advice from other clubs who were in the same situation.Can we not replicate the Salford Cty model as we have numerous pros/ex pros living within 30 miles who might think about supporting us.
Do we think the new owners know best or do we start to take over and push the club forward,
Would welcome every ones views . or am I simply daft in thinking that supporters care enough to get the club back to where it belongs.
Best wishes Norm
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Views: 1138
Probably the last points we will see this season though. At least we managed to hit double figures
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Previous thread: A shameless plug to lift the mood! by Wakes7/3/2019 19:08Thu Mar 7 19:08:26 2019view thread