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Saturdays game
Views: 1148
Is there a report any where about the game against Salisbury-seems very little info available if not able to be at the games.
Best wishes to all
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Re: Saturdays game
Views: 1290
I agree that there is very little info available on the website but match reports still feature in the following home programme , as well as being featured in the weekly Non League paper.
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Re: Saturdays game
Views: 1031
Thanks John-by the way who submits the match report to the Non League paper. If its an independent reporter I understand why it does not get shown on our web site however, if it comes from within our club would it not be a good idea to have it on our website as well..
Best wishes to all
Edited by Norm at 09:38:20 on 3rd April 2019
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Re: Saturdays game
Views: 1014
The match report for all home games is submitted to the NLP by Steve Parsons , as it has been for many years.
As far as putting it on the website is concerned , this used to be done by the person in charge of the website.
Why it has stopped being put on the website is a good question , but a question i can raise at the next away game.
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Previous thread: Liam Gunn ... by Keith18/3/2019 17:22Mon Mar 18 17:22:03 2019view thread