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Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1926
Anyone have any news on the court case and also if the manager situation has been resolved? Assume that Anthony Gale has gone given his profile has been deleted from the web site?
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1906
Hi Gregs
Yes the court case has been decided -I think the words of Oliver Hardy may be appropriate.
I agree with your assumption about the departure of Gale -he had worked so very hard to get the club back on track.
From here on the outside it looks as if the situation is now very similar to this time last year and we know how that ended up.
Lets hope I am totally wrong and another new dawn awaits us .
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1824
Norm, you need to rename your name on here to Normstradamus knowing the outcome of a court case which hasn’t been held!
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1542
I think an apology is due.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1444
Norm - sorry but is this STFC is due to apologise or STFC are due an apology?
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1406
Norm please accept my apologies. I have it on good authority there is another court case upcoming, which is the main court case previously discussed by the club (whereas STFC were actually the defendants in the previous case). Let’s all get behind the club with this and support them all the way, both on and off the pitch, especially after a very disappointing end to the match today!
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1456
You sound like the Thames Club !
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1753
I’m interested to know where you get your information from Norm? I’ve been told the case hasn’t even been heard yet, let alone decided.
Edited by Devon Swan part deux at 11:09:14 on 5th October 2019
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1720
A statement has been released by the stating that Anthony Gale has left the club. Mahrez has been appointed on an interim basis.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1682
I forgot say that no date has been set for the court case.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1792
Court case was at Staines County Court on 3 July and STFC Ltd lost with costs awarded to the other side. It was appealed on 29 July and kicked out by the judge with more costs going to TTC Ltd. Someone’s integrity should be questioned but it isn’t Norm’s on this occasion.
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1 person
Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1669
Sorry Barney, but, I can assure you, and my sources are from the club , that the court case has not only not been decided, but there is no date set for it.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1717
I was there on both occasions, you might want to check your sources.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1601
Barney how did you find out the dates & which court pls ? I kept looking but saw nada
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No subject
Views: 1578
No text
Edited by adidasman at 13:52:53 on 6th October 2019
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1660
I have access to court listings through my day job.
Those interested in the details will need to check their connections in the Club. It is the Club’s choice to decide what and when to tell supporters - I was merely speaking up for Norm as, like me, he has the football club’s interest at heart and on this occasion his post was accurate on both counts - court case and (former) manager.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1637
Out of interest, can you see who the defendant was on the court case ?
I do remember reading somewhere that there was more than one case with both sides of the argument suing each other.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1618
From what I saw the case was between the club and health club owners-as I posted earlier the club did not win the day at the first hearing or the subsequent appeal.
In my experience when costs are awarded it usually demonstrates the strength of respective arguements-STFC were ordered to pay a sum owed to Thames AND their costs. In the absence of comment from the club you can probably draw your own conclusion.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1639
If STFC were ordered to pay costs would you not assume that the Thames Club were suing them then ?
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 1791
In law costs can be awarded to either party, defendant or applicant, if the judge determines it appropriate - usually depends on the merit of the case made or defence presented.
I don’t think it helps the clubs case to drill the details here-the club will comment (or maybe not) depending on what is in best interest. Time will tell.
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 4252
Barney ? Nice name, Is that after Barney Rubble from the "Flynn-Stones" eh Johnny boy ?
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Re: Update on Manager and Court Case?
Views: 2012
That is really sad/bad news and do hope that you are wrong but unfortunately looks a case of deja vu. Seemed as though the club was finally getting back to a sense of normality and being competitive again this season. Lets hope things can be resolved and maybe good they have some time before the next fixture.
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