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Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 2079
The ownership of Staines Town FC would like to update our fans and the local community regarding current off field events. Many questions have been asked in recent months and you will find two video presentations on our website and social media platforms which show the extremely difficult conditions we face on a daily basis and the uphill struggle preventing the club from progressing. This presentation is for the Thames Club shareholders through the Downing LLP venture capital Trusts, The fans of Staines Town FC and the local community.
Please take the time to watch these two video presentations and provide us with your feedback via one of our social media channels. It is imperative that these videos are circulated as much as possible and reaches a wider audience. We are relying on our wonderful fans and the local community to spread the word and share these presentations to both local and national press along with local council representatives and MP's.
We feel the time is right to raise awareness to the fans and the local community of the current situation that the club is facing.
We must act together now to ensure the safety of Staines Town Football Club.
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1854
All a bit ironic the Football Club wants to buy back the land which it owned up until the Thames Club was developed to secure it's future! I was always under the impression that when planning consent was granted to redevelop the ground it was subject to a legal agreement (section 106 agreement) that covenanted that the football pitch and associated facilities could only ever be used by Staines Town Football Club so I'm not sure that the Thames Club could kick STFC out even if they wanted, which by what I have read, appears to be the case.
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1771
Think you might have missed the point... I'd suggest watching the video that highlights the horrific conditions caused by ongoing neglect from the landlord.
The Thames Club LTD only existed since the early 2000's so the land cant have been sold to them
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1820
I can assure you I have not 'missed the point' and of course I've watched the video's. I was merely commenting on the irony of the situation. The land, previously owned by the Football Club, was sold in 2001 to The Thames Club immediately before the redevelopment of the ground was started, fact!
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1812
There is great Irony here ..makes you think what the hell went on before that land was sold ??
you might say that they may not be able to kick the club off the land but they clearly can there was supposed to be a lease that's also just been ignored what do you make of what The Thames Club are doing with peoples pension savings voice from the past ?
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1811
I wasn’t ‘arguing’ over what has happened in the past but sometimes the history can have some relevance on the current situation particularly when a legal agreement (S106) was put in place with the specific intent of giving some protection to the football clubs tenure at Wheatsheaf Park!
My views:-
The suggestion that investors are poor pensioners that are being ‘mugged off’ needs to be put in context. Investors that use VCT’s are probably not poor, they use these vehicles to attempt to make high rate returns and maximise tax efficiencies on their money when they have maxed out their lifetime allowance on pension contributions. The limit in the tax year 20/21 is close to £1.1M! VCT’s are considered to be high risk and that’s the gamble they take. That being said, I agree totally that, why Downings continue to pump cash into what can only be described as a failing business remains a mystery to me too, I would question their motives and if I was an investor I would want the questions that have been raised to be answered. I am equally surprised that The Thames Club has continually failed to perform on a financial basis and must assume that this is largely down to poor management over the years. I don’t find the fact that The Thames Club has paid RFL management fees that strange as that this is merely a method of paying the Managing Director for the services he provides. Not unusual.
In terms of the way that the Thames Club is failing to maintain the facilities and handling the relationship with the Football Club, I am absolutely horrified. There were lots of individuals that were involved with the club from the 90’s and earlier who put huge amounts of both their time, experience and money into the club which made it the envy of all the other clubs in the league. Sadly a large number of them have now either passed away or have moved on through disillusionment with, relatively, recent changes and I feel that this type of input is now being sorely missed. The fact that the board room has been moved will appear ridiculous to visiting officials and will be an embarrassment to the current management. I recall the boardroom entertaining the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Trevor Brooking during the FA Cup run of 2007, I’m not sure they would be impressed by being accommodated in a broom cupboard!
Something must be done to re establish STFC as the proud club it once was and I am wholeheartedly behind that cause.
So that’s my views
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1719
WOW - so you think its ok to prop up a business constantly with other peoples money then charge a management fee ??? You cannot say they are PROBABLY not poor what kind of statement is that ..the video is focusing on facts and it shows they are targeting pensions assumptions like that are dangerous .. whether they are rich or poor do you think these people are being treated correctly ?? do you think they should be charging management fees ??? and what do you make of the Lewis at Downing like the videos show ???? gamblin? who the hell is gambling with there pension pot ..are you trying to justify this ?
the Thames Club is bankrupt. These are not good people they are raping our club and they should be punished and exposed for both what they are doing to both us and them .. the owners HAVE PUT forward the answer buying the freehold it is good that you and all of us get behind this .... if we don't we will have no club...this should have been addressed many years ago , the club is a fragile empty vessel and always has been exposed to the The Thames Club seems like cracks were just covered for years
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1759
I stand corrected, is there a website or link that can prove this ? For my own understanding of course.
Now isn't a time to argue over what happened, it is a time to rally around the club and expose what is happening.
Where do you stand on the evidence provided ? The total lack of care shown by the Thames Club in upkeep on building facilities ?
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1805
An executive statement has just been put on the website which updates and explains yesterday video releases:
Who are The Thames Club & who are Downing LLP ?
What are venture capital trusts and how do they work ?
The Thames Clubs historical performance and its effect on shareholders from acquisition to present.
The Lewis connection – is there a conflict of interest within the ownership and management structure of the Thames Club whilst using investors money ?
Key questions for shareholders/investors who have been invested within The Thames Club through the Downing LLP venture capital trusts and what they can do.
Operational issues facing Staines Town FC
Aggression and pressure by The Thames Club towards Staines Town FC
Long term risks facing Staines Town FC
Solution for Downing LLP Venture Capital Trust shareholders and Staines Town FC –
STFC owners purchase land at Wheatsheaf lane releasing the Venture Capital Trust investors from more losses relating to The Thames Club and issue a 999 year lease to Staines Town FC protecting its future in the community.
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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement
Views: 1954
No text
Edited by alibrown400111 at 14:14:23 on 12th September 2020
Edited by alibrown400111 at 14:14:58 on 12th September 2020
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