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I don’t get this forum....

By Yellow Swan (pp7822)10/6/2020 00:35Wed Jun 10 00:35:56 2020

Views: 2786


Am I missing something here? Maybe I am, but today our club put out a post on twitter asking for people to ‘save our club’ however, the only comments I can find from today is in relation to a quiz??!!!! Surely today’s development and potential loss of our club is worthy of discussion ? There was a post thread started a couple of days ago on her with ‘important club announcement’ but no responses made at all? Can anyone shed any light? Apologies if I have this completely wrong, and more than happy for anyone to correct me, educate me even, if I am completely off the mark here.
The club has published two video presentations on YouTube but neither video explains what is going on?

Edited by pp7822 at 00:43:17 on 10th June 2020

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Yellow Swan (pp7822)10/6/2020 19:56Wed Jun 10 19:56:44 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 2474

Edit to the original post, I completely missed that there was commentary on the videos. I think the volume on my phone was down,
So I take back the comments I previously made re the videos not explaining the situation. I would suggest fans view Video presentation 2 first as this issues videos to help understand the points raised by STFC.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Yellow Swan (pp7822)10/6/2020 14:02Wed Jun 10 14:02:22 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 2497

All - Thanks for the responses and I can see it has stimulated healthy debate. Worrying times for the club. I would urge all members though that this is a time for supporters AND the local community to come together and not fall out over difference of opinions. No finger pointing no blaming. It’s all too late for that. Now is the time to help keep STFC in the community. Everyone will have varying views/opinions But arguing amongst supporters will not help. I personally feel that the first step is for the supporters club to approach the board and engage in constructive dialogue. Communication hasn’t been flowing in recent times, BUT it is starting to now. The presentations are confusing to say the least. The message to the fans and community needs to
be made much clearer. This the first matter that the supports club need to
urge the board to ‘fix’. Simply ‘watch a presentation’ with a load of figures and graphs is convoluted and unclear. The club need to ensure their messaging is made a lot clearer.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By STFCfan10/6/2020 10:31Wed Jun 10 10:31:40 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1485

I’ve taken the time to watch the videos and digest it before posting here, and I stress the importance of watching the videos before coming to any opinions of the situation. I think there is clear evidence the club have been taken advantage of and the Thames club and downing have serious answers to give, more so I would not be a happy downing investor if I knew there was a clear conflict of interest, I certainly wouldn’t want my money invested in an organisation with £3m+ of losses and where the chairman of the Thames club clearly has ties to the downing shareholders. This is probably the biggest news to happen to the club for ages so please take the time to watch it and comment, share on social media and obtain the attention of Kwasi Kwarteng MP. The more the awareness gets raised the better. Let’s give Joe some credit here, in the past there has been criticism of a lack of news and awareness of what is going on. This clearly spells out the struggles the club have gone through due to mainly reasons outside of the clubs control, such as a landlord unwilling to follow the terms of the lease.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Swanforanhour10/6/2020 00:51Wed Jun 10 00:51:41 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1511

Also - you make a very good point about the quiz !! Who cares about a quiz when club is on verge of extinction!! Priorities !!

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Eggyjamesfanclub10/6/2020 10:00Wed Jun 10 10:00:28 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1364

Nailed it, we should be talking about the website post and how the Thames Club have mugged the club off.

i cant believe basic cleaning and repair work hasn't been carried out

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Swanforanhour10/6/2020 00:49Wed Jun 10 00:49:52 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1455

The owners has broken down the Thames clubs finances and showed how it seems like the Investment fund who owns the Thames club. are basically using pensioners money to keep it going even though they lose cash every single year (pensioners cash) .. sounds like a financial pyramid scheme ..!!!!
They have then offered to buy out the pensioners in the Thames club and take control of the land and give the football club a 999 year lease-
they are asking for our support as fans - can’t moan about lack of communication that’s for sure .. we gotta write into the council and the MP otherwise the club is in big trouble !

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By V W Swan10/6/2020 08:00Wed Jun 10 08:00:07 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1426

I totally agree with you Swanforanhour. Probably the most important statement the club has put out in the last couple of years and people haven't responded to it on this forum but still answered quiz questions! You have extracted the information as I also see it and everyone needs to get on board with it. The club has been around since 1892 and regardless of changes over the years the town of Staines deserves a football club. I think it is time for all supporters past and present to realise this and put their differences to one side to help ensure we still have a football club in years to come. Only a short time ago our MP Kwasi Kwarteng spoke on national radio and called Staines Town his club. We should all be messaging him reminding him of this and asking for his support.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Colin Oaten10/6/2020 15:38Wed Jun 10 15:38:58 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1336

Just to put you right on one comment V W Swan,while i did answer yesterdays quiz questions on here,i was also sharing the shit out of the video presentations on Twitter as well

Colin Oaten

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By V W Swan11/6/2020 07:59Thu Jun 11 07:59:33 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1267

Sorry Colin my comments were not aimed at any individuals and I apologise if it was taken that way. I was just very surprised that following probably the most important post this forum has ever seen that by the following morning there were no replies. Now we have some momentum and thanks to everyone who is pushing this including yourself. Please keep this alive on social media to keep this in the public eye

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Surreysage (Norm)10/6/2020 09:48Wed Jun 10 09:48:44 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1378

I only look at this forum.the clubs official website and Emails from the supporters club for information relating to the club.

Have the videos, information etc relating to these matters been posted on these sites.

If they have then I must have missed them and have therefore not commented.

Can some one clarify please . Surely if it is true and accurate the supporters club will have circulated all members the details for consideration.

The sad situation is that for the last two years there has been very little information or updates coming down to supporters

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By V W Swan10/6/2020 09:59Wed Jun 10 09:59:58 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1359

Hi Norman, yes take a look at the website and also the email sent yesterday by the supporters club. It's all there and summed up by a post above.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Surreysage (Norm)10/6/2020 11:00Wed Jun 10 11:00:48 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1361

Hi VW -thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Guessing here-has this video been put out because the "second legal case" never happened due to lack of proper legal evidence and Joe is now looking to people power.

Prior to Joe Dixon taking over the club there were no such problems and an arrangement had been made with the Thames club which allowed STC to run the bar and keep the profits.The club rooms were also available. Joe would have been aware of this when buying the club.

Not always sure airing your dirty washing in public is the way forward, indeed in some cases it inflames the situation and normally in landlord/tennant situations there is only one winner.

However I will look through the information ,talk to a few people from both sides who have alot more facts of the situation and then think about the way forward
take care

Edited by Norm at 11:02:13 on 10th June 2020
Edited by Norm at 11:05:54 on 10th June 2020

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Swanforanhour10/6/2020 11:14Wed Jun 10 11:14:15 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1322

Your response is unbelievable ! a man who has moaned about communication now moans about airing dirty laundry in public.

Examine the facts in the videos reported...your loyalties clearly lay with the thames club norm why don't you go and support another club ?? how do you feel about your mates at the thames club stealing money from pensioners and then raping our football club of its rights ???? maybe your in a position personally to buy the club and the building ???

if its down to people like you we will no longer have a club so you will be forced to anyway...

Complete joke and fed up of reading your rubbish..

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Eggyjamesfanclub10/6/2020 11:13Wed Jun 10 11:13:31 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1313

I don't really think there is a more factual source than companies house ... What they are doing is disgusting.

I can't possibly understand how you cannot see it is THE FANS that are affected by the Thames club, I am not discussing Joe Dixon or ownership here.

it comes down to the fans... the people that attend every game , thats all i care about and we are being affected by the Thames Club.

Would you allow any of your friends/family to use that disgusting toilet shown in the second video ?

They cut the power to the club shop - this directly affected the fans and the football clubs ability to earn money.

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Surreysage (Norm)10/6/2020 12:47Wed Jun 10 12:47:53 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1335

Certainly did not intend to offend anyone. Simply wish to look at all the facts .

Why did they cut the powerr to the club, why did they change the rooms -lets get the full story .

Its usually better to fight a battle when you have all the facts in front of you .

Take care

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Swanforanhour10/6/2020 13:11Wed Jun 10 13:11:23 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1347

Offend people its all you do norm, do you you purposely want to wind people up ?

The full story and facts are on youtube now , the source is companies house I guess that a conspiracy as well joe and companies house teaming up together to f*** over the football club ??

tell us norm about your mates at the thames club ? tell us what you think of them what they're doing to pensioners and our football club do you think its right ??? Are you in a position to buy the building and save the club and give a 999 year lease and is the owner doin that to screw the club over?

time to examine facts and get behind the owner to save our club

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By alibrown400 (alibrown400111)10/6/2020 13:28Wed Jun 10 13:28:05 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1377

Joe & his team & our board at the club want to sort all stuff out so let all get behind him his team & club board and move the club forwards & get the land too & please help us all to SAVE OUR SWANS

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:26Sun Sep 13 20:26:54 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1048

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By alibrown400 (alibrown400111)10/6/2020 15:11Wed Jun 10 15:11:44 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1363

Come on all swans fans out their back joe & his team stfc board members lets get our club on track move forwards with joe & his team make the club great again get our land and think of the future at wheatshef Lane & the bright future of our football club we all love & know please help to to SAVE OUR SWANS BACK JOE TOO THANKS

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:29Sun Sep 13 20:29:32 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1024

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:27Sun Sep 13 20:27:52 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1030

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By alibrown400 (alibrown400111)10/6/2020 16:48Wed Jun 10 16:48:32 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1351

Get behind joe & the club please all fans

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By Dave (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 21:10Sun Sep 13 21:10:13 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1008


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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:29Sun Sep 13 20:29:06 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1027

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:28Sun Sep 13 20:28:38 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1014

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:28Sun Sep 13 20:28:14 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:27Sun Sep 13 20:27:19 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:26Sun Sep 13 20:26:28 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1023

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By Anonymous (alibrown400111)13/9/2020 20:26Sun Sep 13 20:26:02 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Arthur10/6/2020 20:25Wed Jun 10 20:25:33 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....Top of thread

Views: 1334

The sentiments are 100%. correct. We need to thank Joe. Firstly for the excellent presentations. I think that he has presented a first class case that merits a response from the Thames Club and from Mr Lewis. However, we also need thank him for his offer to purchase the freehold land at a third party valuation; then to give the football club a 999 year lease. I don't think I will be around when that lease expires. We need to keep chasing our councillors and our Mp on a consistent basis, not just now while we have the fire in our belly, but over the next months/years to keep them all focussed on the fact that our town needs its football team, our team, and that the team is worthy to represent the town. I will be doing my bit. Kwasi may become my BFF. I did give him a Staines Town FC biro last time I met him. We meet quite regularly to discuss contaminated blood and its impact on me personally and my family since we were given contaminated blood in 1981. I also need to talk to him about the Horizon Post Office system on behalf of the postmaster where I worked post retirement; and now I need to meet him about my football team. He'll be sending me birthday cards soon!! We must all keep contacting him. We need to keep on at the Council. Sadly they have their own problems right now, but we, as supporters need to make sure that they have the best interests of the football club in their minds all the time. thirdly, by our consistency we must make sure that the Thames Club are aware that the football club is important to the Borough, it is important to the supporters, and that it is important to each of us as individuals. No matter what underhand tactics they employ, there is nothing that they can do to stop us watching our team, your team, my team. Let us start taking the issue forward as individuals and as a collective to ensure Wheatsheaf Park is the home of our team. Thank you Joe for fighting for us. The club was there before us (not even I was around in 1892!) and the club will be there after us. Let us leave the legacy of a successful club. COYS

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Previous thread: Tuesday 15-Sep vs Corinthian Casuals(A) by V W Swan13/9/2020 17:19Sun Sep 13 17:19:56 2020view thread