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Life feels better this morning
Views: 767
I know we are still in the middle of a pandemic which has had a devastating impact on many. This is the biggest problem, arguably, that the world has ever known. However, football is back at Wheatsheaf Park. Thankfully we have had two matches against team who are "class" opposition. We have performed well and have a team that would appear to be very competitive. From the two performances it would appear that rather than a "first eleven" we have competition for places all over the field. Things are beginning to look brighter than the problems of the last couple of years. We need to thank the manager for his efforts. We need to thank the Board for the financial support to put the team together. All that's needed now is for us to increase the numbers attending by telling the world we are back and competing. COYS
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Re: Life feels better this morning
Views: 698
Very positive performance -well done to all the squad.
Any news about the injury to Joe Ringer in the first half . He looked in alot of pain when leaving the ground-hope its not serious.
Best wishes to all
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Re: Life feels better this morning
Views: 712
I agree with you Arthur.
Two solid performances and things are looking very competitive on the pitch.
Hopefully crowds will be out in greater numbers once the competitive season commences on 12/09 with the FA Cup tie.
We all know that a lot of supporters don't bother with pre-season games !!
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Previous thread: FA Cup 12/09 by John Blair2/9/2020 21:54Wed Sep 2 21:54:51 2020view thread