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FA Cup this Saturday
Views: 738
It’s FA Cup this weekend and we are at home to Guildford City on Saturday, K.O. 3pm, so please come down and support the team in our first competitive match of the season. The Supporters Club will once again be printing a hard copy programme for every home game priced at £2.00 per copy so please help by buying your copy each week. John Blair will also be selling Player Sponsorship's and Points Draw tickets also starting this Saturday. Player Sponsorship's are priced at £60.00 per home & £60.00 per away kit and he is selling squad numbers 1 to 16. Points Draw tickets (numbered 1 to 114) are priced at £5.00 each ticket and the winner at the end of the season will get a cash prize of £200.00 and the runners up either side of the winning number each get £75.00
I also understand those wanting to buy season tickets will also be able to do so by seeing Steve Parsons on Saturday, priced at £160.00 per adult & £80.00 concessions for the season
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