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Player Sponsorship 2020/2021
Views: 658
Player Sponsorship is available from 12/09.
Cost per player is £60 for home sponsorship and £60 for away sponsorship.
This season player sponsorship is being done by squad number ( from 1 to 16 ) rather than individual players.
That way , a person who has paid for sponsorship will always have valid sponsorship at every home game or away game.
If you are interested in sponsoring a player come and see me at any home(or away) game , starting on Saturday 12th September.
Or contact me on 07770-546862.
Payment can be made either by cash/cheque/bank transfer.
Edited by John Blair at 19:51:30 on 8th September 2020
Edited by John Blair at 13:34:56 on 9th September 2020
Edited by John Blair at 13:35:19 on 9th September 2020
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Re: Player Sponsorship 2020/2021
Views: 555
The sale of this has been very successful with 29 sponsorships sold in one week.
There are still a handful of player sponsorships available.
If you are interested in sponsoring a player for £60 (home kit) or £60 (away kit) come and see me at the Supporters Club Shop at either of the next 2 home games (Saturday 19th or Tuesday 22nd).
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Previous thread: Dave by Dave 16/9/2020 22:21Wed Sep 16 22:21:55 2020view thread