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Points Draw 2020/2021
Views: 1023
The points draw is being resurrected this season - having not been done last season.
Although the format will be similar to previous points draws , pricing will be different this season.
114 sealed envelopes will be sold for £5.00 per envelope.
Each envelope will contain a number between 1 and 114 ( the maximum number of league points possible)
The supporter whose points number matches the number of points that we finish the season with will win £200.00.
The 2 supporters whose points number is either side of our finishing points total will win £75.00
Any revenue , over and above the prize fund , will be donated towards the 'boost the budget' fund.
There is no limit to the number of envelopes that an individual can purchase.
If you are interested in purchasing a points draw number , come and see me on Saturday , or at any home (or away) game until they are all sold.
Edited by John Blair at 13:36:28 on 9th September 2020
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Re: Points Draw 2020/2021
Views: 890
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again happy wheels super smash flash 2
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Re: Points Draw 2020/2021
Views: 882
Points Draw tickets went on sale last Saturday (12th Sept), and will be on sale at the next 2 home games (19th and 22nd).
Currently half of the Points Draw envelopes have been sold.with half still available.
If you are interested in purchasing a Points Draw ticket (or 2) for £5 per ticket , these can be purchased from me at the Supporters Club Shop at either of the next 2 home games.
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Re: Points Draw 2020/2021
Views: 848
100 tickets sold.
14 tickets left.
If you would like to snap up one of the remaining 14 tickets - priced at only £5 - come and see me at either Waltham Abbey on Saturday or Marlow on Tuesday.
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Re: Points Draw 2020/2021 - The list of entrys
Views: 843
The last of the points draw tickets were sold at Tuesday evenings home game v Hertford , and the envelopes have now been opened.
The details of the draw are as follows :-
1 Christine Harberd
2 Paul Clark
3 Jessica Espley
4 Rob Gunning
5 Chris Butler
6 Swedish Massive
7 Aaron Norris
8 Kirstin Hatton
9 Chris Butler
10 Ian Judson
11 David Norris
12 Swedish Massive
13 Ron Windsor
14 Swedish Massive
15 Steve Parsons
16 Daniel Norris
17 Swedish Massive
18 Liam Gunning
19 Daniel Norris
20 Swedish Massive
21 Thomas/Billy Kerslake
22 Martyn Espley
23 Christine Harberd
24 Roger Marsden
25 Kristian Vass
26 David Quin
27 Roger Marsden
28 Jess Nicol
29 Sally Warren
30 Harry Fisher
31 Molly/Maisie Kerslake
32 Pete Loader
33 David Hatton
34 Cindy Blair
35 Rachel Norris
36 Ashley Blair
37 Ben Kerslake
38 Alex Gunning
39 Martyn Espley
40 David Wilson
41 Jess Nicol
42 Alan Pugh
43 Stuart Hatton
44 Janine Crainich
45 David Brown
46 Mary Kerslake
47 Lee Perkins
48 David Norris
49 Ron Windsor
50 Christine Harberd
51 Cheryl Wright
52 Joe Blair
53 Norman McNicol
54 Trevor Lunn
55 David Brown
56 David Brown
57 Christine Harberd(1)
58 Chaz Kerr
59 Bob Griffin
60 Swedish Massive
61 Neil Robson
62 Rachel Norris
63 Dave Ward
64 Pat Nixon
65 Steve Parsons
66 Ron Windsor
67 Jess Nicol
68 Martyn Espley
69 Kevin Rowell
70 Liam Gunning
71 Bill Baker
72 Keith Beeks
73 Mark Goldson
74 Harry Robson
75 Colin Oaten
76 John Blair
77 Chris Butler
78 Daniel/Mason Coker
79 David Wilson
80 David/Pat Coker
81 Alex Gunning
82 Ron Windsor
83 Christine Harberd(2)
84 Daniel Norris
85 Laurence Wakefield
86 Gordon Seago
87 Paul Woodham
88 Michael Wright
89 Colin Oaten
90 Chris Butler
91 Dave Woollands
92 Mark Goldson
93 Swedish Massive
94 Laurence Wakefield
95 Aaron Norris
96 Gary Frost
97 Rachel Norris
98 Swedish Massive
99 Mark Warren
100 David Espley
101 Norman McNicol
102 Bill Baker
103 Stuart Hatton
104 Tom Hamblin
105 Oliver Blair
106 Arthur Kerslake
107 Bill Baker
108 Ron Windsor
109 Matt Avery
110 Harry Fisher
111 Mandy Ryan
112 Trevor Lunn
113 John Cook
114 Hayden Wakefield
The person whose points total corresponds with Staines Town's season points total will win £200.00.
The 2 people whose points totals falls either side of Staines Town's season points total will win £75.00 each.
Numbers 1-4 and 113-114 will be entered in a seperate draw to win a bottle of fizz. These 6 numbers (as at the time of the draw) can not win any of the main prizes.
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