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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Sponsorship by Arthur26/1/2021 07:27Tue Jan 26 07:27:29 2021view thread
Views: 793
Here we are 9in the second week of the New Year. How many of you have already broken your New Year's resolution;utions. I can honestly say I haven't as I don't make any. However, I do set myself New Year goals and do try to live up to them. Mine this year include the following, some football related and some not:
Every time I get supermarket shopping, either delivered or from a visit, buy 3 extra items to give to a food bank;
Try to support our football club Chairman. I think he is the only Chairman I remember (only 3, 2 Boons and Joe Dixon) who is offering to spend big money out of his pocket to secure the long term future of the club;
Try to ignore posts from third parties, clearly not Staines Town FC fans, who make posts on this forum to stir up dissent here and division amongst our supporters;
Try to help others in our neighbourhood who are less fortunate and less able than we are;
Try to stop procrastinating;
Try not to exploit others, or to ally with those who seek to exploit a situation for their own personal gain;
Try to have magnanimous thoughts about those who leave the club for their own personal benefits;
Try to be patient in all things;
Try to be more supportive to the NHS, including the London hospital that has had, and has, such a big influence on my life;
Try to follow the Swans through thick and thin - and hopefully for some level of competitiveness when the league starts again next season;
Try to be a better person, less short tempered and more tolerant;
Try to keep off the half a stone I have lost over the last year; and finally
Try to refrain from rude thoughts and words against those who are trying to oust us from our home.
Please remind me of my failures when we next get together again ....
Thank you Joe and Come on you Swans
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Views: 666
For the club to get the freehold land & the whole building & get a great manager & have a great team to support the manager & the club to have a massive budget would also be nice for either 2021 season or 2022 season
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Views: 790
COYS Up The Swans hope we hear news soon about the freehold
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Views: 697
When we do i am sure that our chairman will personally let you know first !!!
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Views: 698
What do you mean by that I'm a supporter of the club that's all ok thanks
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Views: 705
By that i mean that you constantly post the same questions time and time again despite being told that when those questions can be answered they will be answered.
If you were a true supporter of the club you would go to all the games rather than none since 2019, and prior to that not very many.
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Views: 687
I don't answer to you full stop about attending matches as a have a busy life sorry and a lots of people to see
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Views: 731
We all lead a busy life - work/family etc - but a true supporter will fit football into that schedule as many of us do.
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Re: Come on you swans COYS
Views: 800
Hi their I am a swans fan too so up the swans & let's hope we get the freehold
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Re: Come on you swans COYS
Views: 808
Sprung up under another name have you Ali Brown.
Fed up with posting as Anonymous.
Yet again your post has no relevance to the topics raised by Arthur - who like me - does'nt try and hide behind an Anonymous cloak of identity.
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Previous thread: The Future by Surreysage16/1/2021 10:01Sat Jan 16 10:01:55 2021view thread