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Competition time
Views: 1089
I will buy the winner a bottle of wine , red or white (their choice) to anyone who gets close to the right answer (no cheating by using Google).
In accountancy terms a company can file small company accounts if it doesn't exceed two of three minimum criteria. Pulfors Trading Limited has 3 employees and no turnover according to its latest filed accounts. What are its net assets as a small company?
In its Governance and sustainability statement it says "Central to Downings ethos is a commitment to be a "Responsible Investor."" Its registered address is the same as that of Downings LLP. Any guesses what the net assets of a company controlled by 3 employees are?
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2 people
Re: Competition time
Views: 821
I really ought to close the competition now. I've checked the supermarket and Amazon, but I honestly can't find yellow or blue wine. There are three winners: Norm, for getting closest to the net assets of a small company; VW Swan for knowing I'm a bleeder (haemophilia, honestly); and John, for knowing my age and laughing about it. If you let me know whether it is red or white, I will make sure you get your tipple.
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Re: Competition time
Views: 803
Thanks Arthur it is appreciated.
I understand Chateau Lynch Bages , Pauillac 2014 is drinking particularly well at the moment-that will do for me
Many thanks and take care .
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Re: Competition time
Views: 804
It will be a read. Do you Really believe your guess of £4.4million was close enough to the correct answer of over £250 million warrants such a posh wine (I had to look it up) then I believe our current league position should qualify us for the Champions League.
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Re: Competition time
Views: 903
.... and what links me to Queen Victoria, and the Tsar and Trarina of Russia employing Rasputin?
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Re: Competition time
Views: 825
could it be Haemophilia?
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Re: Competition time
Views: 858
Could it be that as one of our elderly supporters you were born in the same year as them.
Or could it be that you were born of royal blood ?
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Re: Competition time
Views: 941
John, you don't realise I'm old enough to be their Dad - in fact I may have been!! No, haemophilia is the right answer. And in case any one wondered why Ibwent to London in lock down - it's because my "local"centre for treatment is St Thomas. I was asked to go on \Saturday to have my vaccine, hence coming back with a smile on my face. I must confess to being not as patriotic as my wife who had the Oxford vaccine today - they gave me the Pfeizer one yesterday. However they both work, but the one I had, kept at minus 70 degrees gave me icicles where I leawswt expected them!!
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Re: Competition time
Views: 932
All the videos have seem to have been removed from STFC site anyone know why please let me know thanks
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Re: Competition time any updates yet please
Views: 1073
hello is their any updates yet please thanks
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Re: Competition time
Views: 941
Sorry, I know its an "accounting term". Net assets is total assets, such as land, buildings, plant and equipment, bank accounts and money owed, offset by anything you owe. If you look at a house (for homeowners) its the value of the house offset by the mortgage.
I apologise to John and David, I should have made this a raffle; but as many guesses as you want, how much is this small com[any worth?
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Re: Competition time
Views: 953
What is 4.4m let me know thanks
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Re: Competition time
Views: 934
Ali, the £4.4 million should read in excess of £256 million. that's the size of a small company that quotes Downings as an example to follow. If you don't think this should be a small company write to your local MP, he's the Secretary of State for business. However, now I know what a small company is I think I may have to get suited and booted to meet John Blair!!!
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Re: Competition time
Views: 907
And to bow when you approach the Supporters Club window hatch !!!!
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Re: Competition time
Views: 900
how much is the freehold with what is the price as we haven't heard any news yet at all no update from mr chairman yet
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Re: Competition time
Views: 911
Does it really matter if it is 50p or £50,000,000. All we know is that negotiations are ongoing. We have to believe that the Chairman would have offered a realistic bid based upon current market conditions. Nobody ever holds negotiations in public (see all the press comments while the Brexit negotiations were going on. All you need to know is when the deal has been finalised, or the parties have broken off negotiations. Remember even if the 100 or so regular Swans fans contributed an average of £1,000 each we would only raise £100,000. We can't even get close to the negotiating table. We have to rely on the Chairman to do the dealing, it is his money he is using for our team
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1 person
Re: Competition time
Views: 884
Hi Arthur-you may have come up with a gemof an idea , worth following up.
If you could get ,as a start, 50 supporters to contribute £1,000 per annum then we will have a playing budget to start moving forward. THE freehold situation could take a considerable time to resolve but at least on the pitch we will be making progress.
Perhaps you should liase with the supporters club to launch your idea,Nothing tried nothing gained !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by Norm at 09:18:28 on 18th January 2021
Edited by Norm at 09:19:22 on 18th January 2021
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Re: Competition time
Views: 858
Boost the budget ..... already in operation
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Re: Competition time
Views: 882
Yes I know -but are supporters contributing any way near the £1,000pa you mention.Give it ago Arthur who knows it may be a winner.
I am paying over each month,during the lockdown, the equivalent of what I spend at the ground on each match day-entrance,food,drink etc. Another idea that other supporters could adopt to give the incoming new manager a useful playing budget.
Just feel that supporters need to contribute more to the club-follow the Chairmans example who is contributiing millions.
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Re: Competition time
Views: 877
The scheme is in place. Supporters can give as a one ff donation, or by standing order. They should only give what they can afford. They can, for example, pay double for a programme, giving to the boost the budget scheme. The supporters club tell everyone this from time to time. If anyone is in doubt and would like to donate, please contact either David or John. The money goes directly to the manager in place. It is used for the playing staff. The other thing to remember is that the Chairman is currently supplying the basic budget. There is no match day income so he is more than helping the club right now.
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Re: Competition time
Views: 956
Thanks Norm, sadly this is on the low side
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Re: Competition time
Views: 959
I forgot to add, by nature I am rather cautious. Our Chairman thinks big. Whilst I think of National League South, he aims for National League and onwards. What we have to reme3mber is that this company shares its registered office address with Downings and chooses to share its environment, social and corporate governance philosophy with Downings. Admittedly not the BP philosophy, , nor the M&S, nor Centrica, but Downings. Norm's guess is, at a minimum, at least less than 10% of the net assets. So what value of net assets does a small company controlled by 3 employees really have? Someone must have an idea. The prize is still available ........ and for the benefit of John and David, donations to the supporters club would be appreciated by them. COYS
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Re: Competition time
Views: 771
It’s a very good idea. You’re right, chairman investing a lot. What I will say though, is we need to do more as a club to push commercial opportunities. For example, why haven’t we got a shirt sponsor this season? Where are the pitch side advertisers?? Matchday packages? We can’t argue that other clubs in our league don’t have these in place, as quite clearly they do. There are quick wins here and I personally don’t believe we have done all we can, commercially, to exhaust these opportunities. Not a single company in the local area willing to sponsor us??? I don’t get it....
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Re: sponsorships
Views: 778
I understand what you are saying about sponsorship opportunities.
For your info. There are 5 sponsors advertised on the clubs website - all of whom have pitchside perimeter advertising boards displayed at the ground - myself being one of them.
As for matchday packages this is a very difficult one over the last 12 months due to Covid restrictions meaning no boardroom hospitality amongst other things.
Hopefully as restrictions get lifted in preparation for next season and football hopefully returns to normal the club might be able to attract more sponsors and be able to offer matchday packages once again.
Edited by John Blair at 12:14:15 on 30th January 2021
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Previous thread: Thames Club accounts for 2019 by John Blair22/1/2021 23:05Fri Jan 22 23:05:37 2021view thread