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New Chairman
Views: 1019
Just seen twitter and the announcement re the new chairman. Was this expected? Is Joe still going to be involved with the club?
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Re: New Chairman
Views: 950
Nothing is said about the chairman cutting ties with the club, as far as has been communicated he is still the club owner unless someone can correct me other wise?
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Re: New Chairman
Views: 867
Certainly no clues (not unexpected) in the statement about Joe Dixons continuing role within the club.Although you would have expected owner and chairman "to push the club forward " together.
Change also comes at a time by when I would expected to have heard further concerning the "freehold issue".May be they are linked?
We know Kevin is a knowledgable and experienced football club administrator with good man management skills ( also good women management skills-being pc you see) who works extremely hard .Very confident that we can now move forward together.
Funding is the most important issue and I expect these needs will be clearer when we know more about Joe +family continuing role/support within the club.Would expect that he continues.
Good that it looks most likely that football will not restart until next season -more time for us to be properly prepared
Edited by Norm at 14:57:31 on 4th February 2021
Edited by Norm at 15:16:34 on 4th February 2021
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