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Prize Draw organised by the Supporters Club
Views: 882
The Supporters Club have organised a Prize Draw
There are 90 prize draw envelopes on sale priced at £5 each.
Once all 90 envelopes are sold a winner will be drawn at random who will win a prize of £300.00.
The balance of £150.00 from the ticket sales will be donated to the 'boost the budget' fund.
Tickets went on sale at last Saturdays FA Cup game and will be on sale at future games until all tickets are sold.
If you would like to purchase a ticket (or 2) these can be purchased from me or the club shop.
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Re: Prize Draw organised by the Supporters Club
Views: 787
There are still a few prize draw tickets left for sale.
They are priced at £5.00 with a winning prize of £300.00.
Tickets can be purchased from me at any of the next 3 games (Northwood away , Binfield away and Westfields at home ).
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Re: Prize Draw organised by the Supporters Club
Views: 603
All prize draw tickets have now been sold.
The winning envelope will be independently drawn at the next Saturday home game ( Saturday 23rd October).
The winning ticket holder will win £300.00 , with the balance of the sale proceeds (£150.00) being donated to the clubs 'boost the budget' fund.
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Re: Prize Draw Winner
Views: 499
The winner of the prize draw was drawn earlier.
The winner was David Wilson
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Previous thread: New Managerial Appointment by John Blair21/10/2021 20:36Thu Oct 21 20:36:22 2021view thread