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Our future
Views: 882
When the new owners took over the football club we were promised that the club would be in the Football League within 10 years. There is as much truth in that statement as there is in Joe Biden’s belief that the allies time in Afghanistan was a success. We were also promised that the club would be self funding. To achieve that promise we would need to increase the club’s income. Potential owners were not falling over themselves to buy an already profitable club. We have two main sources of income: Sponsorship and bums on seats. Both require success on the field. I think the club are relying too much on the boost the budget scheme for the playing staff. The manager, in his column in the programme on Saturday said he had a squad large enough to play 11 a side in training - surely too big as they all have to be paid. From what we saw on Saturday we had three players (Numbers 5, 7 and 11 (Won’t use names)) who are capable of playing at the level in the league we are registered. I am not denigrating the rest, they are playing to the best of their ability but are simply out of their depth. This led to Saturday’s heavy defeat to a side who had lost their first two matches. The way we are playing we will struggle to exceed our all time low of four points in a season and relegation early in the New Year. Continual losses is hardly going to attract fans and potential newcomers. We could compete against Staines Lammas and Wraysbury. To play at that level would mean lower prices on the gate and smaller income, although the supporters would be able to watch competitive football. This may mean increased attendance, although the fan base of visiting teams is much lower the further down the pyramid you go. The team needs investment. The supporters are giving all they can. In order to get the club self funding there is no doubt the club needs to make the initial investment in players (look at Man City, Chelsea and Liverpool for examples). If this does not happen the future of the club seems to be increasingly bleak.
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Re: Our future
Views: 816
I understand that last Saturday there were around 8 players having to isolate and therefore not available for selection. Must make life very difficult for the manager.
Not sure that continually playing the ball out from the back is ideal for players at our level-looks great on TV but I suggest those players are of a higher skill level than ours. Ashford had a target man NO 10 who won the majority of high balls from the goalie.No messing around in or around their penalty area.
The majority of clubs at our level have owners who are passionate about their club and want success and invest accordingly and/or have local contacts to attract sponsorship.
More importantly does anyone know how serious the injury was to our player who was carried offin the dying minutes , he looked in a lot of pain.
PS hope all ok with Mr.Elliot
Edited by Norm at 10:01:47 on 2nd September 2021
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Re: Our future
Views: 804
I don’t know the exact situation at the club myself Arthur but I can give an educated guess and that would be that there is no playing budget at all, perhaps only for the management and one or two players at best. We are only attracting players because the manager has contacts to bring players in who are willing to play for nothing but the famous old name of Staines Town Football Club, nothing more nothing less. Somebody pls correct me if I’m wrong but I doubt I am.
The problem lies with the bar, other club’s bars bring them in an income in order to pay the players. We are unable to do that because the Thames club own the lot, lock stock and barrel. In other words we are totally screwed on that single fact alone. It’s a vicious cycle, no bar equals no money, equals poor team, equals no fans, equals no sponsorship, equals no money to maintain the facilities. It goes on and on.
What we need is a miracle. Anyone know where ones going cheap???
Edited by Wakes at 13:33:09 on 1st September 2021
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Re: Our future
Views: 874
I am sure that Wakes is right - I would be very surprised if more than 2 or 3 players at Staines are receiving any money at all. Staines are not alone in this. Although most clubs have bar income which Staines do not, I suspect that the majority clubs at Step 4 are not spending much on players. There are exceptions of course - Bracknell are spending a lot - and those that have the most money usually win. That's just life.
Staines not owning their own ground is their biggest problem imo. I understand how the situation has arisen - Alan Boon acted with the good of the club at heart. But selling your primary asset is never good. Many clubs have got in trouble after problems with private landlords - Abingdon Town, Whyteleafe, Slough Town, Dulwich Hamlet, the list is long, and likely to get longer.
Arthur is pessimistic saying that Staines Town could be at the same level as Staines Lammas (Step 7). Step 4 to Step 7 is a big drop, and as someone who watches Step 7 and below, I can confirm that entry prices are almost always zero, hardly any teams have any supporters and that even the Monday Staines team would wipe the floor with most at Step 7.
Free fall is possible though...look at Molesey, Godalming Town or AFC Hayes...all clubs who not so long ago were at Step 4, now all struggling. Staines are a long way from that, and let's all hope that it stays that way.
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Re: Our future
Views: 916
On reflection there is so much sense in the views expressed by Rebel Yeller.
We are where we are -we cannot change the situation of who owns the club-we cannot change the situation in relation to the funds the club have available -we cannot change the fact that the legal relationship with our landlords dictates that we do not receive profits from the bar.
Guess we must be positive and build on the fact that we now have a chairman who is working very hard to rebuild relationships to the benefit of the club.We have a hard working manager who has demonstrated his ablity to build a winning team. We have a strong supporters club lead by a chairman who has been a life long supporter and works hard to raise funds for the club.We have a dedicated group of supporters who volunteer their time in helping at the ground at matchdays.We have a significant group of of supporters who have stayed loyal to the club during the last few years of uncertainty.
We have only played 2 games of the new season ,many more to go, lets stay positive.
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Re: Our future
Views: 956
I agree with you Norman.
Only 2 league games gone where I thought that we were unlucky to lose to a strong Chertsey side in the dying seconds and a loss to Ashford where we had a host of players out due to COVID related reasons and suffered 2 bad injuries and a sending off.
That one was definitely a bad day at the office - one that won't be repeated anytime soon !!
And just to rub it in an Ashford fan won £69.00 on the 50/50.
Hoping that we bounce back with a result at Northwood on 11th Sept and at Binfield on 14th Sept
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Re: Our future
Views: 946
I really think we are three games into the season. We fell at the preliminary hurdle in the FA Cup. Our goal could be classed as a freak. The Little Common defenders could not understand the "dribbling" from the corner and were appealing to the ref when our goal went in. Against Chertsey our first goal was a complete mix up between defenders and goalkeeper. We have scored only one genuine open play goal in three games and conceded ten. We have played two games against teams in our division and one from a lower level. The manager says we deserved to lose our first two. Obviously I have only seen (not read) his comments on Ashford where were were trounced. I think we will struggle to get four points this season with the current squad.
The players are not at fault - they are selected to play at a level above their capabilities. The club has to invest in the playing side to survive. Where is the money to come from? Do we really drink that much?
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Re: Our future
Views: 912
Yes Arthur you are factually correct in every point you make.All connected with the club must be aware of the problems -its how we overcome them that is the big question .
We need practical and realistic solutions that can be implemented with the resources we have available to the club and supporters
The general view is I think - it is down to finances.have the money ,cometh the players .Cometh the players ,cometh the wins . Cometh the wins ,cometh the supporters.Cometh the supporters , cometh the sponsors.
Simples (well relatively speaking)------------------but how do we generate that money in the first place to attract the players with the skills to win at our level.
Regards to all Norm
Edited by Norm at 12:24:40 on 4th September 2021
Edited by Norm at 12:26:10 on 4th September 2021
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Previous thread: Wraysbury Village FC at Wheatsheaf Park on Saturday 4th September by John Blair2/9/2021 21:46Thu Sep 2 21:46:39 2021view thread