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Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)3/11/2021 09:14Wed Nov 3 09:14:49 2021

Views: 1011

Supporters who stayed home in the warm last night missed a treat -end to end stuff -two determined squads -and a historic win for Staines (a good number of years since we progressed this far in cup)

Every one of our players gave 100% +-well done to you all and thanks again for lifting our spirits . Very difficult to give one player the MOM as fine displays all round.Sad that David Pitt came off injured-he so wants to get on the pitch and play -ankle injury continiuing to give him problems.

Heard that R Paul has moved to Ashford (£ I guess) -something we must get use to I think. unless we can get funds into the club to stop this . Come on supporters we must continue to grow the "Boost the Budget" scheme if we are to make progress as a club.

Best wishes to all

Edited by Norm at 09:15:58 on 3rd November 2021
Edited by Norm at 09:17:19 on 3rd November 2021
Edited by Norm at 09:18:06 on 3rd November 2021

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur4/11/2021 07:44Thu Nov 4 07:44:48 2021In response to Last NightTop of thread

Views: 839

This is a really important post Norm. The game saw us worthy winners. The crowd of 61 was really disappointing. There was virtually nobody there supporting Brightlingsea - perhaps if the game had gone ahead (as it should) on Saturday the crowd would have been larger. Presumably if Rhys has gone we have lost two (including Sheridan) important squad players. It remains in doubt as to wether either would be first team regulars looking at the current side. However we need to keep the current squad together if we are to avoid the problems of losing key players going forward. This means investment - from the club, and from us via the boost the budget scheme. We also need to all work together to bring friends and acquaintances back to Wheatsheaf Park. The latent support is there. Remember the coaches to Brentford and Orient ......

and finally

My obese parrot died yesterday. It was sad but it sure took a weight off my shoulder

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Re: Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)4/11/2021 09:19Thu Nov 4 09:19:14 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 821

Quite Agree Arthur-strange to think that as we improve as a squad on the pitch the greater the likelyhood of players being poached by other clubs.

When you say "This means investment-from the club"Do you mean from the club owner .As I see it the only other constituant of "The Club " are the supporters who are already contributing through the -

Boost the Budget
50/50 sales
Programme sales
Gate Money
Food sales

Kevin(New Chairman) is doing a great job holding everything together and working very hard to build bridges ,however without money there is only so much he can do.I am more convinced than ever that if STFC is to survive its down to us supporters to find the money so that the current players have at least there expenses reimbursed.

Best wishes to all

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur4/11/2021 09:31Thu Nov 4 09:31:27 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 831


Look at the Staines Town FC accounts and see how much the owners put in last year. The clubs income is from gate receipts and sponsorships. When was the last time we had a sponsor other than the owners? How much do we approach businesses in the community to get income for a "community" scheme. I think, when we used to be told, the boost the budget scheme gives circa £600 per month to the manager to contribute to the players wages. Is this still the same level? I think quite4 often we are happy to come along, pay at the gate and watch the match ...... volunteers excepted. We need to get more bums on seats; to attract more advertising, to publicise the club (difficult when the team is having such a quick turnover of players),. Keeping a settled squad could mean players gaining publicity for the club ) visiting schools, hospitals etc). More publicity means more interest and bigger gates .... more income, improved wages etc. It is for the club to get together as supporters, owners and employees.

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Re: Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)4/11/2021 10:05Thu Nov 4 10:05:53 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 820

Don't disagree -however there is no evidence,as I can see, in the club accounts to show that any of the owners investment was spent on players. I may be wrong but my understanding is that they are not paid (no playing budget) that is why they move onto other clubs for just a few £.

All your suggestions are great and supported by everyone .However its not an ideal world and the club and many supporters have been trying to implement your ideas for a number of years without achieving the support required from local community and businesses.

Normally the driving force behind clubs of our status are the owners/directors who use their contacts in the local business world to provide the majority of finance and sponsorship for the club to have a playing budget.

Best wishes Norm

Edited by Norm at 10:10:59 on 4th November 2021

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur4/11/2021 10:18Thu Nov 4 10:18:05 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 821


You are quite correct. I believe most of the owners investment in the club was to pay off bills that the club owed. Paying that sort of money out for the club means there is less for players. It is known that when we resigned Che Grabbandam (didn't fit in with Paul Barnes style of play), his wages were paid directly out of the owners pocket. I just do not believe the current squad play for free - someone is paying them; and the boost the budget scheme goes towards that. What we need to understand is that there is a lease break clause in our current tenancy coming up. Unless we can buy our freehold back (we owned the freehold before the Thames Club was built. somehow th freehold was solid for development and \none of the proceeds came back to the club. The £70k from our FA Cup run tor pond 2 went on an Aston Martin, not into the club. Are you really asking the current owners (now on out of four who originally bought the club) to have elastic pockets just for our gratification? We are all in the cake together and we need to work together to get out - not just rely on other people. Rant over

The police phoned me to tell me my wife was in hospital.

"How is she?" I asked.

"Very critical" replied the officer.

"Oh great. What's she complaining about now?" I asked.

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Re: Last Night

By Voicefromthepast4/11/2021 17:15Thu Nov 4 17:15:41 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 876

I can only assume that when you made your post you were either on drugs or suffering from the excesses of alcohol.
Can you please explain how you justify your statement that the proceeds of the FA Cup run went on buying an Aston Martin?

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Re: Last Night

By southstreetswan5/11/2021 11:49Fri Nov 5 11:49:34 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 795

vagfromthepast v4rry sensitive Arthur is clearly only jokin... maybe u can tell us where the money went from the sale of the clubs land

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Re: Last Night

By Voicefromthepast5/11/2021 18:07Fri Nov 5 18:07:00 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 772

In my opinion, a joke in poor taste

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Re: Last Night

By southstreetswan5/11/2021 18:24Fri Nov 5 18:24:52 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 799

entitled to youe4r opinion and respect it vagfromthepast.....whats your opinion about where the money went from the sale of the clubs land in 2001 ?

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur5/11/2021 08:36Fri Nov 5 08:36:26 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 806

How rude to but in on a two way conversation be4tween two old men, especially when hiding behind a pseudonym. your comments about drugs and/or alcohol brought a wry smile to my face (I could just as easily been highly offended). You clearly know the samee amount me as Brian Clough attributed to the football knowledge of the average football club director (sorry Kevin - no offence meant!). I could always empathise with the Verve and their song "the drugs don't work"; for over half my life I was infected with HCV, as was my brother, who sadly did not survive. The best treatment for HCV is no alcohol. I have never been a drinker nor would be. I have also had to take more drugs than you can ever imagine, including drugs administered with needles. Until 2019 nobody came up with anything that worked. I am now, happily HCV free. As for my sources, they are impeccable and like a journalist not to be divulged. However, you need to point to me the accounts which show both the "prize money" and Sky TV fees boosting the club's reserves ........ And to think about the industry in which I worked. Take care, and so that you don't feel too bad:

Lost my cat so spent days looking for her round my village with no luck . Wife sent me out again telling me I need to look a bit harder.
Now pacing the village with a skinhead haircut new face tattoo and a knife in hand.
Wish me luck .

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Re: Last Night

By Voicefromthepast5/11/2021 18:06Fri Nov 5 18:06:23 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 797

Arthur - I’m relieved that you weren’t offended by my post, I was totally unaware of your medical history as you are of mine. I’m sure, however, you can see why I made the assumption that something was affecting you that led you to making a scurrilous statement that can only be aimed at one person. That person was a very good friend of mine and you know as well as I do that he put his heart, soul and an awful lot of his own money into Staines Town Football Club. To suggest that funds were ‘misappropriated’ I find offensive especially as you yourself have previously said he is not here to defend himself. I don’t believe you have any evidence to support your claim and it’s not up to me to disprove it. I’ve tried to think carefully about the industry you worked in but as I don’t know exactly what it was that’s a bit hard! I will take care and no, I don’t feel bad. I’ll leave you to your rants and in future it’s probably best that I just ignore them.

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur6/11/2021 08:04Sat Nov 6 08:04:13 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 817

I'm really looking forward to South Park today. I hope that something happens that can spark correspondence on this forum for its correct use - something like Joe ringer scores a hat trick (sadly that is more likely to be own goals!!). All I will say is that history is a report of the past and cannot be changed. We may try to mitigate things (check out Owen Patterson) but in the end, the truth is still the truth. That reality means no jokes. our truth is enough to make a Swan cry

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Re: Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)4/11/2021 10:40Thu Nov 4 10:40:27 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 866

My last thoughts Arthur-You are making alot of assumptions which are not supported by any evidence for instance it was stated in writing at the time of sale that the club was sold primarily debt free.It included numerous junior teams , under 18s and the Kingston academy connection. The club accounts of the time are available online to check this out.

Why would anyone decide to buy a football club at our lowly level if they do not want to wish to finance or arrange finance to put out a competative team on the pitch.Owners use to pay players out of their OWN pockets and did not put it through the clubs accounts which then has to be financed by directors loans etc to keep everything solvent

Best wishes Norm

Edited by Norm at 10:45:29 on 4th November 2021

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Re: Last Night

By Arthur4/11/2021 13:11Thu Nov 4 13:11:48 2021In response to Re: Last NightTop of thread

Views: 821

Dear Norm,

You need to lighten up and face reality. You seem to understand about investments and you always seem to look favourably on the Thames Club. I have certainly not finished. on this situation and have recently sent out my latest efforts to correct post misdemeanours I will start bt saying that I believe membership of the Thames Club is circa £40 per month and Pure Gym circa £13 per month. Which gym to people choose to go to? the advbantage of the Thames Club is that they have a pool. Is that worth £27 per month to punters? Secondly, investors always (?) check where they are putting their money. Investors in the Thames Club (see their 2015) accounts put money into the Thames Club to ensure that it remains a going concern. They had never made an operating profit in their existence and still have not made a profit. In fact (sorry tis is accounting) they have not bothered to carry forward losses to offset future profits, thereby reducing tax liabilities. Presumably this is because they don't expect to make profits. What is the attraction for an investor? They have had to further write down the value of the freehold (existing use) in this year's accounts. The only benefit I can see is if they can sell the freehold for development ....... lease break in the near future. However, since 2015 the increasing impact of global warming has put that in doubt because of the increased flooding in the area and the fact that the drainage system can't cope with the current output of properties in the area. It seems investors should be questioning their returns. They may even be asked for more money looking at the latest accounts .......... The only way our club can be saved is if the current owners can buy the freehold ...... and you are trying to give him a kicking!! Think, lighten up, and ...................

Paddy and Mick came up with a plan to kidnap Mother Teresa and hold her to ransom. Paddy was worried about how long the prison sentence would be if they got caught but was reassured when Mick told him they’d be fine because it’s a case of no offence, nun taken.

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Previous thread: Man of the Match v Brightlingsea Regent 02/11/21 by John Blair5/11/2021 14:31Fri Nov 5 14:31:08 2021view thread