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Next thread: Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022 The last ever video by Wakes29/3/2022 22:51Tue Mar 29 22:51:55 2022view thread
RIP Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022
Views: 1983
Looks like Dixon has pulled the plug, blaming Dowings LLP.
It's always somebody elses fault, never your own, isn't it Joe?
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Re: RIP Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022
Views: 2851
Important we put out statement from supporters ASAP distancing ourselves from the rubbish being posted by STFC owner .
Never interested in the football club was he .
In my view supporters must make sure we play final games elsewhere backed by supporters money to show that we wish to do the honourable thing in completing our league games .
DO not understand what pleasurehe gets from destroyng STFC
Edited by Norm at 15:29:28 on 29th March 2022
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Re: RIP Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022
Views: 1237
This is so true. I read with sadness of the passing of Len Gregory, a man I did not know. May he rest in peace and I offer my sincere condolences to His family and friends. Then we get an "out of the blue" statement from Joe. The statement has nothing to do with football issues or the playing side of the team. It wouldd appear to be personal, and the football club being used as a pawn in his fight with Downings. There is absolutely no reason for preventing the side fulfilling its fixtures. It really is an insult to those teams we have played, and those we have yet to meet, to withdraw us from our outstanding fixtures. In terms of quality the team has a lot to be desired. However, the manager has forged a squad to at least be on the cusp of a competitive side.
It is also insulting to those loyal supporters who follow the side, home and away, and who give their money to ensure the players get something.
Swans mate for life, once a swan always a swan. As supporters we need to show our respect to the other teams in the competitions wee entered this season. More importantly it is our duty to honour those supporters who have gone before us; and to provide a beacon of hope for those to come. It would appear it is time for the supporters to take control of the playing side.
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Re: RIP Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022
Views: 1203
We are trending on twitter and made the BBC London News thanks to Joe - good publicity for our re-birth next season and has let everyone know what a joke that man is
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Re: RIP Staines Town FC 1892 - 2022
Views: 1682
downings reply for those who havent seen it on social media
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Previous thread: It’s over, Joe has pulled the plug and closed the club, see twitter and downing lol response. Sad end, sad day by allen b29/3/2022 21:16Tue Mar 29 21:16:27 2022view thread