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Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 1059
The list below shows every player who has appeared in the Staines Town FC First Team during 2021/22 (up to and including the 18 April '22 game vs Tooting & Mitcham United, and including friendlies). To the left of the players' names are A = number of appearances (including when coming on as a substitute, but excluding those as an unused sub, which are shown only in brackets), and G = number of goals scored.
--A----G--- Player
0(0) - 0 Abidemi 'Abi' ADEDEJI
2(0) - 0 Joshua 'Josh' ADJEI
0(0) - 0 Kain ADOM
17(4) - 0 Sean AGUN
10(4) - 0 Argjend AHMETAJ
8(4) - 0 Christopher N. 'Chris' ALLEN
4(0) - 1 Yahya ALY
12(0) - 6 Noah AMISSAH
10(0) - 0 Aitor ANDÓN PASANTES
1(0) - 0 Adam ANGUS
3(1) - 1 Stanley 'Stan' ANUM
1(0) - 0 Moses APANTAKU
1(0) - 0 Keaton AUGUST
1(0) - 0 Calvin BARRETO
0(1) - 0 Mateus BENITO SANTANA 'GAVA'
10(6) - 0 Matthew 'Matty' BONNETT
0(0) - 0 Helder BORGES DA MOURA
8(1) - 1 Kristian CAMPBELL
16(0) - 6 Sheridan CAMPBELL
2(0) - 0 Klajdi CANI
24(0) - 4 Reece CAVE
2(0) - 0 Jacob 'Jake' CHADD
13(0) - 0 Dquame COPELAND
3(0) - 2 Jayde CROTTY
3(0) - 0 Keiran DALEY-LONG
2(0) - 0 Kai DAVIS
15(1) - 1 Leonardo 'Leo' DE CARVALHO PEDRO
0(0) - 0 Daniele 'Dani' DE SANTIS
5(0) - 0 George DEWHURST
19(1) - 0 Exaucé DITU
15(0) - 0 Javin DOUGAN
0(0) - 0 Somina DUBLIN-GREEN
0(0) - 0 Michael EDEGBE
11(1) - 0 Marvin EMMANUEL
11(0) - 1 Jargal 'Jack' ENKH
1(0) - 0 Toby FALODI
29(3) - 2 Luís FERNANDES
19(2) - 0 Derek FEYI
1(0) - 0 Kane FITZGERALD
0(0) - 0 James 'Jaemie' GALE
15(1) - 0 Shayan GHAMARINEZHAD 'ʼNEZHAD'
4(1) - 0 Isiah 'Izzy' GODDARD-JOSEPH
5(1) - 1 Ramarné GRIFFITH-DUNBAR
1(0) - 0 Zeid HANNACHI
1(0) - 0 Stefon HAYLES
13(2) - 0 Jordan HECTOR-SMITH
9(0) - 4 Leroy HLABI
0(0) - 0 Gary HOMES
1(0) - 0 Nicolas 'Nico' HOUNTO-Hotegbe
13(5) - 0 Sernad HOXHA
1(0) - 0 Conor HUDNOTT
1(0) - 0 Carsel HYLTON
2(1) - 0 Rolly ILUNGA
0(0) - 0 Rhys JONES
3(1) - 0 Ivor JOVANOVIĆ
0() - 0 Daniel 'Danny' JULIENNE
1(0) - 0 Johnathan KAMARA
15(2) - 0 Elliot KING
1(0) - 0 Pavle KOPRIVICA
8(3) - 0 Daniel 'Dan' KRATSCHMAR
7(0) - 0 Usman LALUSTANI
1() - 1 Bruno LOBO DE BRITO
13(0) - 0 Eric LOPES
2(0) - 1 Jeremiah LUWERO
1(0) - 0 Wiktor MACOWSKI
1(0) - 0 Luke MAGUIRE
3(1) - 0 Harry MAPLE
23(2) - 0 Luke MASSINGHAM
2(0) - 0 Steven MATALA
0(0) - 0 Cain MATTHEWS
14(0) - 5 Brandon McCARTHY
3(7) - 0 Alfie McMASTER
16(2) - 2 Connor McSHANE
0(0) - 0 Seedorf Sousé MENDES
8(2) - 0 Kyle MENDEZ
11(0) - 0 Eleftherios 'Julian' METSO
8(0) - 1 Barsa 'MIR' MIRTAHMASEBI
3(2) - 0 Jack MONGEY
16(1) - 4 Ernest MURMYLO
0(0) - 0 Billy MURPHY
17(0) - 0 Jesus NARVAEZ MENDOZA
1(1) - 1 James NORMAN
6(0) - 0 Melvy N'SOMI
0(0) - 0 Noble NZEADI
2(0) - 0 Jay O'CONNELL
2(0) - 1 Andrew OFOSU
0(0) - 0 Quadri OLEMOH
1(1) - 0 Henry 'Dinero' OMOROGIEVA
16(0) - 0 Manny OMRORE
11(1) - 1 David OPOKU
6(0) - 0 Oluwatimileyin 'Timi' OSHINEYE
4(5) - 0 Omoṣenni 'Ṣeni' OWODUNNI
2(0) - 0 Jeevan PANESAR
6(2) - 0 Fynn PAPHITI
1(0) - 0 Josh PARKER
0(0) - 0 Steven PARSONS
7(0) - 0 Rhys PAUL
3(2) - 0 Aren PEREZ-DUAH
2(0) - 0 Tyler PINK
11(4) - 4 David PITT
1(0) - 0 Tautvydas PONIŠKAITIS
5(7) - 0 Tucker QUINN
1(0) - 0 Mathieu RACINE
34(0) - 0 Joe RINGER
6(0) - 0 Hermenegildo 'Costa' RODRIGUES
1(2) - 0 Mohamed 'Mo' ROUNDI
0(0) - 0 Kevin ROWELL
0(0) - 0 Matthew ROWELL
6(5) - 0 Mohsinne 'Mo' SABEK
0(1) - 0 Chris SALAKO
9(0) - 0 Athan SMITH-JOSEPH
4(0) - 0 Jake SOBALAK
0(0) - 0 Codie SUMNER
1(0) - 0 Liam TACK
10(0) - 2 Maciej TAJS
47(2) - 6 Jack TORBETT
13(6) - 0 Emeka UKAEGBU
8(0) - 4 Cheikoumar 'Omar' WATT NDONGO
1(0) - 0 Harry WAY
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Re: Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 886
and a big thankyou and respect to all the above players who have turned out for the football club under very difficult circumstances ,ensuring that all fixtures have been fulfilled, thereby avoiding major disruption to the other clubs in our league.
Well done to the loyal club stalwarts, who have overcome the efforts and provocation from overseas to destroy and discredit the club, and made this possible.
Perhaps "Player of the season " should be awarded jointly to all the players.
Edited by Norm at 13:28:21 on 20th April 2022
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Re: Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 737
I quite agree. The players and the manager have done wonders to complete a season where there has been very little help, arguably even hindrance, from som club officials. However, there are other officials and a dedicated supporters club committee who have performed equal miracles for the club to honour its commitments. Thank you.
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Re: Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 781
The only hindrance Arthur has been from overseas where I understand the club owner currently resides.
As far as I am aware all those this side of the pond, club officials, helpers, volunteers ,supporters,catering staff , ground staff ,programme sellers ,50/50 ticket sellars have all been working towards the same goal -and that is the survival of the football club.
Perhaps you may care to explain which club officials you are pointing the finger at.
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Re: Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 730
It is the person who was part of the consortium that promised us football league status within 10 years ........ And has failed to properly fund the football club he invested in.
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Re: Appearances / Goals Scored Season 2021-22
Views: 978
Didn't realise we had such a compact squad. I hope the police don't ask me for descriptions of them!!!
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Previous thread: Relegation by Ian Chesterton13/4/2022 18:32Wed Apr 13 18:32:07 2022view thread