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Wheatsheaf Park
Views: 3011
Sad to see that the Staines Town FC sign has been removed from the gate entrance to the Thames Club car park.
Replaced by a notice advising that the lease between Staines Town FC and The Thames Club has been forfeited with effect from 1st August 2022.
Not a surprise after Joe Dixon effectively shut the football club down during the Summer.
Edited by John Blair at 22:51:19 on 3rd August 2022
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Re: Wheatsheaf Park
Views: 2043
So what's going on at Wheatsheaf Park at the moment? Looks like the pitch is being prepared for a game?
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Re: Wheatsheaf Park
Views: 2539
Appears that the Wheatsheaf pitch has had a bit of a 'makeover' in recent weeks (or at least the grass has been cut and things tidied up). Presumably it's the Thames Club that is organising this? I'm not surprised - it was all looking very shabby and didn't reflect well on the TC if you didn't know the context.
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Re: Wheatsheaf Park
Views: 2829
Yes John very sad and undignified end to a 100+ year old club.
I still try to understand why Dixon hated the club and its supporters so much that he needed to destroy everything that had been established over so many years .
I can only think its down to some medical condition thats simply festered and festered as he has faced one failure after another in his life . Perhaps he was simply born a loser.
Edited by Norm at 09:30:21 on 4th August 2022
Edited by Norm at 09:34:02 on 4th August 2022
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Re: Wheatsheaf Park
Views: 2783
Yes along with his brother and a former player who must have been in on the failed plan from day one, entering the ground, vandalising club property which included smashing up the goal posts, stealing our keys and helping themselves to the remainder of anything the club owned. Their family must be so proud 🥲
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Previous thread: Today's game OFF by John Blair10/4/2023 08:58Mon Apr 10 08:58:23 2023view thread