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Steve Psrsons Award
Views: 729
At the Middlesex FA Annual Grassroots awards yesterday evening our very own Steve 'the cat' Parsons received a recognition award for 50 years of service to Grassroots Football.
Anybody who knows Steve will know of his loyalty and commitment to football in Staines, and will know of his immense knowledge of the non-league game.
This award is well deserved, and my congratulations go out to Steve.
Edited by John Blair at 15:59:40 on 22nd October 2022
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Re: Steve Psrsons Award
Views: 622
If anyone deserves a medal - with al he has had to put up with, he has always shown true dedication. A trooper. Well done Steve
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Re: Steve Psrsons Award
Views: 712
Very well deserved Steve 👏👏👏
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Previous thread: Top of the League by John Blair1/10/2022 21:07Sat Oct 1 21:07:05 2022view thread