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Newest article: Re: FA Vase 2024/25 season by John Blair20/9/2024 19:56Fri Sep 20 19:56:25 2024view thread

Oldest article: ''ships in the night '' by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014view thread


Next thread: Wheatsheaf Park by John Blair3/8/2022 22:50Wed Aug 3 22:50:40 2022view thread

Today's game OFF

By John Blair10/4/2023 08:58Mon Apr 10 08:58:23 2023

Views: 705

Today's home game v Guildford United has had to be called off due to a Waterlogged Pitch.
A new date for this fixture will be announced shortly.

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Previous thread: Easter Home Games ( Food Facilitys) by John Blair8/4/2023 08:36Sat Apr 8 08:36:18 2023view thread