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Re: Good Luck

By Rick_Pumpkin3/11/2021 11:43Wed Nov 3 11:43:06 2021In response to Re: Good Luck

Views: 1044

You're right, the forums and social media aren't exactly buzzing from a Pompey perspective right now.

Another pub that came to mind that's reasonably close to the ground is the Good Companion, which is on the junction of the Eastern Road (the road you'll drive down onto the island) and Moorings Way. It's always a good mix of home and away support, is a decent size and reasonably priced. The landlord is actually a diehard Plymouth supporter and if you speak nicely to him he'll often let you leave your car in the car park during the game.

Edited by Rick_Pumpkin at 11:43:17 on 3rd November 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Good Luck by Earlsmead part-timer3/11/2021 14:06Wed Nov 3 14:06:22 2021

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