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Re: Good Luck

By harrowred (RedHarrow)5/11/2021 11:16Fri Nov 5 11:16:30 2021In response to Re: Good Luck

Views: 747

Terry, that is terrible news. Absolutely gutted for you. As much as some might disagree with some of your entitled opinions, nobody doubts your loyalty and passion for the team. You’ll be sorely missed in the away end tomorrow. Hopefully a replay will allow you to hobble to Earlsmead on Tuesday.

Would you like me to purchase you a match programme at the game and give it to you at the next match/drop it off to you at some point?

Best wishes!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Good Luck by Terrance5/11/2021 11:24Fri Nov 5 11:24:27 2021

Previous thread: Portsmouth squad by harrowred4/11/2021 20:27Thu Nov 4 20:27:53 2021view thread