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By LukeS (LH)21/1 12:27Sun Jan 21 12:27:28 2024

Views: 1618

Posted by Lee Hayward:

"We are now all fully aware that Nuneaton, one of the largest towns in the UK, no longer has a football club capable of playing at a senior level (level 8 above for clarity!).
We are now also aware that at least one group of people are planning to change that.
Whatever new club (or clubs) do come forward, their success in long term will be governed by one factor - whether the people of Nuneaton chose to support the club or not. It will also be the people of Nuneaton, and those alone, who decide if any new venture is the spiritual continuity of "The Boro".
The Nuneaton Borough Supporters' Co-Operative have already engaged with one group, and are facilitating a forum where they can present their plans for a 100% investor owner club. We are fortunate to have an the Co-op already in place, but for this to be successful we must increase the capabilities of the Co-op with a view to:
expanding the Co-op membership to increase both numbers and the breadth of experience
forming a working committee to properly scrutinise any plans put forward
devising an alternative plan for a new club, and if necessary facilitate, its implementation (there are possibilities!)
I've already had a number of personal conversations with people across the Boro family regarding the above, to gain thoughts and ideas, but I would also encourage as many people as possible to join the Co-op here, so we can continue these discussion in a more constructive manner:
Please also look out for more Co-op updates."

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Next article in this thread: Could someone summarise PLEASE by VS Griff21/1 18:27Sun Jan 21 18:27:15 2024

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